WD uploading 0mb files to my website

I guess this is the proper forum for this question.

All of a sudden WD has started sending

Possibly your computer is not allowing WD to fully create the files before uploading them?

Try looking under “Setup - Control Panel - FTP/internet/metar…” Click on the “Connections” tab. I believe default is 5 seconds “FTP Start delay” you may want to try making that longer and see if that helps…


Thanks Bob. I’ll try when I get home.

Well that didn’t work. Any other suggestions?

Is your web space account out of, or very nearly out of, space?

Also if you’re not using PASV FTP, try that and also try the ‘upload a temporary file and then rename’ FTP option.

Thanks a lot for the suggestions. It shows I still have over 1mb left for space. I will try those other things tonight. It is very frustrating cause everything was working fine for a long time and I don’t think I changed anything to make it not work. #-o

Try deleting the files on your computer that are empty. W/D should create new files to replace the empty ones .

take a look at your ftp log file which should show if anything is going out. Also check the file creation and upload section under the control panel. Your ftp upload switch may have been reset and just needs to be activated. Also you could try to force an “upload now” through the setup menu.


Well, I deleted a bunch of files that I “thought” I didn’t need from my isp. Most of them I really didn’t need so I am o.k. Everything seems to be working fine now. I still don’t know why my isp shows I still had over 1mb left. Guess I will take that up with them. Once my historical data starts to accumulate I’m gonna have problems again. Thanks everyone for helping. I really appreciate it!