UK based WDL users wanted

I’m looking for some UK based WDL users to volunteer to help out with a little project I’m working on. Basically I’d like to read your clientraw.txt file approximately every 15 minutes. If you’re willing to help, please send me a PM/IM with details of the location of your clientraw.txt file. I promise not to read it too regularly or to tell anyone else where you hide it (but if you use WDL people can find it anyway).

Sorry to be so secretive…but if you’re coming to the UK Weather Shop opening on Saturday you should see something that’s been under development for a while by three people who regularly visit this forum. The developers are intending to be at the shop opening so hopefully they’ll see a few of you there. The developers think it’s pretty cool, so hopefully you will all think it is as well. Unfortunately if you can’t get to the opening on Saturday you’ll probably have to wait a few days longer to see it.