WD setup

How do I overide the weather status in WD, see the "gloomy overcast " as in the image below. It’s clear from the readings and we have bright blue sky a setting is wrong in WD. My station does not have solar/ UV data.

if you do not have a solar sensor the sky conditons will have to come from a nearby airport METAR. Do you have a METAR set up in WD?

@Martyn: Could that also be the forecast from the station?

Possibly - depends on his setup I guess - but with my FreshWDL the VP2 forecast is a line of separate text beneath the current conditions (where he has —)

Understood :slight_smile:

maybe the lat/long is not set correct in either the sun moon setup or the solar setup? (more likely the latter)

“Overcast and gloomy” is definitely from clientraw (#49 Current weather description). I don’t think I’ve seen a list of all the possibilities, but it came up by chance when I printed out my own version of clientrawdescription.txt.

Does setting up a METAR override any station sensors?

You can set it so it only gets sky conditions and does not effect any other sensors

I have turned off the main switch for the solar sensor setup and that has solved the problem.