Is this posible =(% maxtempyest% -% maxtemp%) in weather display tags

I apologize if the text is not understandable, because I use the google translator

At the end of the day I upload a tweet with the summary of the weather conditions of the day, maximum temperature, minimum, etc.
I’ve been rummaging through the Weather Display Tags Reference Page but I have not managed to get the data of the difference between today’s maximum temperature compared to yesterday’s. It would be something like:
=% maxtempyest% -% maxtemp%
Obviously imagine that it is not possible to solve this function mathematically in a twitter line
Currently this is the one I have:
RECORDS DAY:% date% # 13TEMPERATURE: MAX% maxtemp% - MIN% mintemp% # 13LLUVIA:% dayrn% # 13MINTENDMENT:% todaygustspeedinkmh% km / h% dirlabel% #
Some way to show if the day has been hotter or colder than yesterday and the difference.
Greetings and thanks