Rain amounts not being parsed from ambientweather

I am getting my weather stats from the ambient weather website using the API key and it looks like the rain data isn’t being parsed. All my rain totals are 0 even though we had rain today.

[{“dateutc”:1561691100000,“winddir”:212,“windspeedmph”:0.4,“windgustmph”:1.1,“maxdailygust”:12.5,“tempf”:66.2,“hourlyrainin”:0,“eventrainin”:0.11,“dailyrainin”:0.07,“weeklyrainin”:0.14,“monthlyrainin”:0.86,“totalrainin”:9.02,“baromrelin”:30.15,“baromabsin”:28.09,“humidity”:38,“tempinf”:71.1,“humidityin”:36,“uv”:0,“solarradiation”:30.7,“feelsLike”:66.2,“dewPoint”:39.84,“lastRain”:“2019-06-27T20:31:00.000Z”,“tz”:“America/Los_Angeles”,“date”:“2019-06-28T03:05:00.000Z”},“info”:{“name”:“Nettleton Weather Station”,“location”:“Home”}}]

which version/build of WD?

WD version 10.37 Build 306

oh, you did not say it was the linux version
I will check on the code, compared to the windows version

try a new linux version update

Build error ?

sh: 1: ././cronambientweathernet: Permission denied

You need to make sure the cron files are executable… chmod +x cron*

Shouldn’t populate the rain totals now ? If so it’s not doing that. Still all 0



Apparently the new version isn’t linked still… The download I used Weather Display For Linux 64 bit Desktop (e.g Ubuntu) v 10.37Linux Build 306 is the same build I reported using.

the new update is there
it says 29 june for the file

That’s what I downloaded. Same build number that I originally reported using.

It still does not parse the rain totals.


when its next raining, if you could email me your settings to get the data
and I will test from here

Ok… I would do a manual check but the weather station is 50 feet up a poll.

Ok it rained a bit tonight and it did pick up the total. But why doesn’t it parse the whole line and also grab the yearly total ?


It’s there so why not put that in the rain amounts so the yearly totals are at least correct ?

WD keeps its own rain totals
so that is more flexible (e.g different months to reset (e.g california) etc

umm ok – odd but I would think that would matter since you are suppose to be gathering the real data being sent.