HWS-template (WD34) July version available


Those are exact copies of the file as we get from WU
https://api.weather.com/v2/pws/observations/current?stationId=IDKFREDE2&format=json&units=m&apiKey=_API_SETTING_ => current conditions
is saved in "weather.inaogmogens.dk" to be used for 180 seconds before reloaded

https://api.weather.com/v2/pws/history/daily?stationId=IDKFREDE2&format=json&units=m&date=20190714&apiKey=_API_SETTING_ => todays data for July 14
is saved in "weather.inaogmogens.dk" to be used for 600 seconds before reloaded

https://api.weather.com/v2/pws/history/daily?stationId=IDKFREDE2&format=json&units=m&date=20190713&apiKey=_API_SETTING_ => yesterdays data for July 13
is saved in "weather.inaogmogens.dk" to be used until the next day.

However, I can observe that the correct maximum and minimum temperatures and wind speeds can be found in the "pristine" wucom_yday.txt file. As far as I can see, WU has actually sent them correctly. See [http://weather.inaogmogens.dk/jsondata/wucom_yday.txt](http://weather.inaogmogens.dk/jsondata/wucom_yday.txt)
The values on the template you are talking about are from today as generated by WeatherUnderground. Those values are generated from the database and sent to the website every time the scripts ask for it. So even if the yesterday values are correct, the todays values were and are incorrect. You can test that yourself with the link above, just fill in your api-key replacing the [b]_API_SETTING_[/b]
RECAP: I even used another API-key and still the data from July 13 has correct values, from today, July 14, has incorrect values. Your dashboard shows correct values for today but the api data has incorrect (the same) values for all temp fields and also equal values for pressure. The time fields show that even in the browser, todays data is from just after midnight. [color=red]obsTimeLocal "2019-07-14 00:04:51"[/color] So there is definitely a problem with the database at WU, not with a script.
observations		stationID	"IDKFREDE2"
tz	"Europe/Copenhagen"
obsTimeUtc	"2019-07-13T22:04:51Z"
obsTimeLocal	"2019-07-14 00:04:51"
tempHigh	16  tempLow	16  tempAvg	16
pressureMax	1014.22  pressureMin	1014.22

When I retrieve my own and other stations I get a correct obsTimeLocal and correct values

stationID	"IVLAAMSG47"
tz	"Europe/Brussels"
obsTimeUtc	"2019-07-14T19:29:38Z"
obsTimeLocal	"2019-07-14 21:29:38"
tempHigh	20  tempLow	15  tempAvg	17

When I retrieve your data but in English units (F, mph, inHg) I get correct values

obsTimeLocal	"2019-07-14 21:29:41"
tempHigh	72   tempLow	60   tempAvg	65
pressureMax	30.01  pressureMin	29.95

Lets see if it is OK tomorrow, otherwise I have to think about some solution using English units.
You can check my test-wu-website at old link removed https://pwsdashboard.net/
It displays the data correctly as WU is delivering correct data.
For now I have no quick solution.