HWS-template (WD34) July version available

Problem at EU or on your webserver?

<div id="positionlast"><!-- $wrn_lang=en  --><!-- module wrnWarningEU.php = version: 0.00 2019-05-12 -->
<!-- warnings and other info goes here  -->
Severe weatherdata (./jsondata/warningUK004) cache times:
        cache time   = 2019-07-10T14:19:51+01:00 from unix time 1562764791
        current time = 2019-07-10T15:39:44+01:00 from unix time 1562769584 
        difference   = 4793 (seconds)
        diff allowed = 900 (seconds) -->
<!-- Severe weatherdata loaded from http://www.meteoalarm.eu/en_UK/0/0/UK004.html  -->
<!-- ERROR Severe weatherdata empty,(http://www.meteoalarm.eu/en_UK/0/0/UK004.html)  could not be loaded  -->
<!-- upped cachetime from 900 to 1800 as no valid data was retrieved -->
Severe weatherdata (./jsondata/warningUK004) cache times:
        cache time   = 2019-07-10T14:19:51+01:00 from unix time 1562764791
        current time = 2019-07-10T15:40:14+01:00 from unix time 1562769614 
        difference   = 4823 (seconds)
        diff allowed = 1800 (seconds) -->
<!-- ERROR no warnings  retrieved, script ends -->
<!-- ERROR no warnings  retrieved, script ends -->
<!-- $darkskydayIcon=rain -->
<div style="padding: 4px;">
Light rain starting this evening.</div>

So i added it to my test-site http://wd34.weather-template.com/pws07/ and it displays without delay.

I attach a smal test script to see if it is in the script or in the webserver.
Unzip it and run it like http://swanston.maui.co.uk/test_curl.php
It will retrieve the data in a frame (using your browser) and by using curl on your webserver, I attach a screenshot how it should look.

test_curl.php.zip (2.2 KB)