HWS-template (WD34) July version available

Your site:
Click on the alert or the “no alerts” link for York => HTTP ERROR 500 which means a PHP parsing error of some sort

My test-site (or try other users site):
Click on a alert or a “no alerts” link for NewHaven
=> http://release230/pwsWD/nws-alerts-142/nws-details.php?a=CTZ006#WA1 no error, normal output


I did not change anything in the “Curly” download from KenTrue’s website.
Not even the folder name. So it must be a change somewhere in the settings,


When I click for the details on an unchanged version the link reads

<a href="nws-details.php?a=CTZ006#WA1" title=" &nbsp;Details for New Haven" style="color: #000;">No alerts</a>

but your link reads

<a href="wxnws-details.php?a=PAZ065#WA1" title=" &nbsp;Details for York" style="color: #000;">No alerts</a>

So there must have been a change to use another details page. This “wx” page is for a Saratoga site, not for a stand-alone version.
This is how the “nws-alerts-config.php” about line 40 should look:

// file names
$cacheFileName = 'nws-alertsMainData.php';  // main data cache file name
$aboxFileName  = 'nws-alertsBoxData.php';   // alert box cache file name
$iconFileName  = 'nws-alertsIconData.php';  // big icons cache file
$alertURL      = 'wxnws-details.php';       // web page file name for complete details - Used with Saratoga Base USA template
$summaryURL    = 'wxadvisory.php';       // web page for the alert summary - Used with Saratoga Base USA template
$alertURL      = 'nws-details.php';       // web page file name for complete details - Used for standard web pages
$summaryURL    = 'nws-summary.php';       // web page for the alert summary - Used for standard web pages

This is yours config, the two lines which are commented are the cause of the error

// file names
$cacheFileName = 'nws-alertsMainData.php';  // main data cache file name
$aboxFileName  = 'nws-alertsBoxData.php';   // alert box cache file name
$iconFileName  = 'nws-alertsIconData.php';  // big icons cache file
$alertURL      = 'wxnws-details.php';       // web page file name for complete details - Used with Saratoga Base USA template
$summaryURL    = 'wxadvisory.php';       // web page for the alert summary - Used with Saratoga Base USA template
//$alertURL      = 'nws-details.php';       // web page file name for complete details - Used for standard web pages
//$summaryURL    = 'nws-summary.php';       // web page for the alert summary - Used for standard web pages

The “meant for Saratoga” scripts need other supporting data which is not there as we are running the stand-alone version.
