WxSimate Issue Accessing Ozone (temis.nl)

Hi all,
I will add another red herring in the form of overall Internet Performance Globally.
By that I mean, I have noticed that over the past few days/weeks many sites in the US and UK from here in Tasmania Australia have started to hang at times.
I currently don’t have issues with WxSim (nor WxSim downloading from Temis), however that could be purely a result of timeliness.
If per-say I try to access Temis directly at non WxSim run Times, it hangs and my Temis based UV script for Saratoga Template fails, as does me accessing Temis direct via browser.
I also noticed lately that my Saratoga based Metar script (which draws from US based source) also times out. I have also noticed same viewing other users sites around the globe.
Just thought I would add it to the mix.
kind Regards,