Weather Monitor II and wdisplay

That’s at least not what I’m seeing:
wner@owner-ThinkPad-X131e:~/consolewdfiles/deploy$ file ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, not stripped
owner@owner-ThinkPad-X131e:~/consolewdfiles/deploy$ objdump -f | grep ^architecture
architecture: i386, flags 0x00000150:

Okay, redownloaded again and I concur that it’s 64 bit and the libs are 64 bit. it’s running, but there still seems to be a couple of issues:

ser_read : Entering
ser_read error Resource temporarily unavailable
Read size -1 :
ser_read : Exiting
Write size 7 : 4c 4f 4f 50 ff ff 0d
ser_read : Entering
Read size 19 : 06 01 fe 02 25 03 00 5f 00 bb 4e 30 7b 4f 04 00 00 48 bc
ser_read : Exiting
*****Received count = -----------------------------> 19
Current data 10:20:41: Temperature= 78.7 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =0.0 Direction =95 Humidity=100 Barometer=29.9 Daily Rain=0.0 Rain Rate 0.0mm/min
ser_read : Entering
ser_read error Resource temporarily unavailable

The temperature is close at least, the monitor console shows 80. The humidity is way off (45% on the consoe). I’m not sure if the “error Resource temporarily Unavailable” is a feature of debug or not. I’m getting a lot of them, but the code is writing and getting data back

re the humidity
check what you have set as the humidity offset maybe in the config.txt?

I could add some debug code around that

Nope. No offset at all. There’s one for Barometric pressure (set to 0), but none for Humidity

I will add some debug code…

done that
try a new update download

I don’t really see any change:
er_read : Exiting
Write size 7 : 4c 4f 4f 50 ff ff 0d
ser_read : Entering
Read size 19 : 06 01 f5 02 1b 03 00 07 01 a8 4d 35 65 60 04 00 00 32 c5
ser_read : Exiting
*****Received count = -----------------------------> 19
Current data 09:12:27: Temperature= 77.7 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =0.0 Direction =263 Humidity=100 Barometer=29.9 Daily Rain=0.0 Rain Rate 0.0mm/min
ser_read : Entering
ser_read error Resource temporarily unavailable
Read size -1 :
ser_read : Exiting

it should say in the debug window about the raw humidity
are you sure you have downloaded the latest consolewd64desktop version?
i.e check the modified date/time on the consolewd program to see if its like recent

I downloaded the consolewd64desktop.tar.gz that was changed yesterday and verified that the checksum is the same as what I’m running:
owner@owner-ThinkPad-X131e:~/Downloads$ sum consolewdfiles/consolewd
52491 2010
owner@owner-ThinkPad-X131e:~/Downloads$ cd ~/consolewdfiles
owner@owner-ThinkPad-X131e:~/consolewdfiles$ sum consolewd
52491 2010
owner@owner-ThinkPad-X131e:~/consolewdfiles$ ./consolewd | grep -i hum
Current data 16:07:06: Temperature= 87.4 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =2.0 Direction =261 Humidity=66 Barometer=29.9 Daily Rain
Current data 16:08:18: Temperature= 87.4 Windspeed =2.0 Gustspeed =1.0 Direction =167 Humidity=65 Barometer=29.9 Daily Rain

Although now the humidity looks more or less right. It was still reading 100 earlier.

Let me let it run for a while and see if it’s working now

lol, posted too soon. Now I’m getting weird results again. If you called it something like “raw humidity”, I should be seeing the line though

Current data 16:11:44: Temperature= 87.3 Windspeed =1.8 Gustspeed =1.0 Direction =0 Humidity=1 Barometer=29.9 Daily Rain=0.0 Rain Rate 0.0mm/min
Current data 16:12:05: Temperature= 87.3 Windspeed =1.3 Gustspeed =0.0 Direction =0 Humidity=100 Barometer=29.9 Daily Rain=0.0 Rain Rate 0.0mm/min
Read size 1 : 06 6:12:12: Temperature= 87.3 Windspeed =0.9 Gustspeed =80.0 Direction =0 Humidity=0 Barometer=29.9 Daily Rain=0.0 Rain Rate 0.0mm/min
Current data 16:12:46: Temperature= 87.4 Windspeed =80.0 Gustspeed =0.0 Direction =238 Humidity=67 Barometer=29.9 Daily Rain=0.0 Rain Rate 0.0mm/min
Current data 16:13:50: Temperature= 87.4 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =1.0 Direction =0 Humidity=0 Barometer=29.9 Daily Rain=0.0 Rain Rate 0.0mm/min
Current data 16:14:03: Temperature= 87.4 Windspeed =0.4 Gustspeed =1.0 Direction =259 Humidity=67 Barometer=29.9 Da

no need to look for it
it should be coming out in the console data
*debug outdoor hum

have you checked the actual modified date/time on the consolewd file

2019 6 19 5:17

that should be it
I will add more debug code
I used to have a davis wmii here
not easy when you dont have one

Yeah, I understand. It’s funny that the station’s been running just fine all these years. I think I had to replace the external thermometer and humidity sensor at one point and re-crimp some of the cables, but that’s been it.

try another download update…:wink:

Looks to be working now. Did you change any of the code or just add a debug in?
*debug outdoor hum 75
*debug outdoor hum after offset 75
Current data 09:22:52: Temperature= 70.9 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =0.0 Direction =70 Humidity=75 Barometer=29.9 Daily R
*debug outdoor hum 75
*debug outdoor hum after offset 75
Current data 09:22:54: Temperature= 70.9 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =0.0 Direction =70 Humidity=75 Ba
*debug outdoor hum 75
*debug outdoor hum after offset 75
Read size 1 : 06 Temperature= 70.9 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =0.0 Direction =70 Humidity=75 Barometer=29.9 Daily Rain=0.0 Rain Rate 0.0mm/min
*debug outdoor hum 74
*debug outdoor hum after offset 74
Read size 18 : 01 eb 02 d7 02 00 46 00 a1 4f 31 4a 60 04 00 00 cb e9 ion =70 Humidity=74 Barometer=29.9 Daily Rain=0.0 Rain Rate 0.0mm/min

no, but, I found where the problem was :slight_smile:

OK, great! Thanks for the help!

It took a while to get more than a trace of rain here, but it looks like the Daily total and rain rate are not working although all the other values look good. At this point I’m running the console code in test mode. The laptop is on battery power when it’s connected to the serial port, so I can’t leave it on 24 hours a day. I’m wondering if perhaps I’m not running consolewd long enough? Does the rain values come from the WMII or are they perhaps calculated?