Weather Flow Hardware Support?

Does anyone know if Weather Display works with the new Weather Flow hardware?

It looks like an amazing device.

Its captures things like…

Air Temperature (Dry Bulb Temperature)
Wet Bulb Temperature
Station pressure
Sea-level pressure
Dew Point
Wind Chill
Heat Index
Feels Like
Air Density
Lightning last strike time
Lightning last strike distance
Lightning strike count last 3 hours
Wind Speed (Average)
Wind Speed (Lull)
Wind Speed (Gust)
Wind Direction
Rain intensity
Rain past hour
Rain past 24 hours
UV Index
Solar irradiation

If it is supported by Weather Display I may pick one up. :slight_smile:

Since 2017, at a rough guess. A quick search of the Forum will throw up one or two threads. . .

Awesome thanks… I tried a search but I fat fingered the spelling so it didnt find anything… now I see them, thanks!

I currently have a Davis Vantage Pro 2+ but this looks really interesting and I like it has lightning detection. I almost spent a lot of money on a lightning detection board a few years ago. And now am glad I didn’t.

My only concern is rain and snow. Worried that the Weather Flow won’t measure it accurately.

IMHO (pace Devil) you should stick with it.

WeatherFlow does a decent job…but…it’s not great with very light rain. If the moisture is very small, mist or drizzle, I find my tipping bucket measuring rain when WF sees nothing. And WD does occasionally miss rain measurements caught by the WF.

No snow here so I can’t speak to if WF would detect it or not.

Overall I am pleased with the WF as it adds solar and lightning to my station. Other sensors agree with my Vue station for wind, temp, humidity and barometric pressure. Knowing what I know about the WF now, I don’t think I would switch from a VP2. Lightning is nice to have, but the WF sensor is NOT a Boltec…you could pick up a hand held lightning detector and get the same data, mainly a guess at distance from the strike.