Davis Instruments 'WeatherLink Live'

The results with this new version of ‘crondaviswll.exe’ are represented below and I have provided the API output as a comparison. All data is imperial unit and as there was a slight delay between the two activities, this is representing the variance below and worked no errors were encountered.

Daviswll output

{"data":{"did":"001D0AAAAAA","ts":1557810828,"conditions":[{"lsid":227174,"data_structure_type":1,"txid":1,"temp": 65.2,"hum":58.6,"dew_point": 50.3,"wet_bulb": 55.1,"heat_index": 64.1,"wind_chill": 65.2,"thw_index": 64.1,"thsw_index": 62.1,"wind_speed_last":4.00,"wind_dir_last":236,"wind_speed_avg_last_1_min":2.50,"wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_1_min":255,"wind_speed_avg_last_2_min":2.43,"wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_2_min":252,"wind_speed_hi_last_2_min":6.00,"wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_2_min":279,"wind_speed_avg_last_10_min":2.43,"wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_10_min":234,"wind_speed_hi_last_10_min":6.00,"wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_10_min":224,"rain_size":2,"rain_rate_last":0,"rain_rate_hi":0,"rainfall_last_15_min":0,"rain_rate_hi_last_15_min":0,"rainfall_last_60_min":0,"rainfall_last_24_hr":0,"rain_storm":null,"rain_storm_start_at":null,"solar_rad":46,"uv_index":0.0,"rx_state":0,"trans_battery_flag":0,"rainfall_daily":0,"rainfall_monthly":0,"rainfall_year":0,"rain_storm_last":null,"rain_storm_last_start_at":null,"rain_storm_last_end_at":null},{"lsid":227177,"data_structure_type":2,"txid":4,"temp_1": 56.3,"temp_2": 54.6,"temp_3":null,"temp_4":null,"moist_soil_1":12.0,"moist_soil_2":26.1,"moist_soil_3":null,"moist_soil_4":null,"wet_leaf_1":0.1,"wet_leaf_2":null,"rx_state":1,"trans_battery_flag":0},{"lsid":227173,"data_structure_type":4,"temp_in": 79.0,"hum_in":38.1,"dew_point_in": 51.3,"heat_index_in": 77.8},{"lsid":227172,"data_structure_type":3,"bar_sea_level":30.338,"bar_trend":-0.019,"bar_absolute":30.235}]},"error":null}




{"data":{"did":"001D0AAAAAAA","ts":1557808908,"conditions":[{"lsid":227174,"data_structure_type":1,"txid":1,"temp": 67.5,"hum":54.1,"dew_point": 50.3,"wet_bulb": 55.6,"heat_index": 66.7,"wind_chill": 67.5,"thw_index": 66.7,"thsw_index": 64.7,"wind_speed_last":2.00,"wind_dir_last":325,"wind_speed_avg_last_1_min":4.62,"wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_1_min":265,"wind_speed_avg_last_2_min":4.62,"wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_2_min":272,"wind_speed_hi_last_2_min":9.00,"wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_2_min":298,"wind_speed_avg_last_10_min":3.75,"wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_10_min":263,"wind_speed_hi_last_10_min":9.00,"wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_10_min":280,"rain_size":2,"rain_rate_last":0,"rain_rate_hi":0,"rainfall_last_15_min":0,"rain_rate_hi_last_15_min":0,"rainfall_last_60_min":0,"rainfall_last_24_hr":0,"rain_storm":null,"rain_storm_start_at":null,"solar_rad":362,"uv_index":1.1,"rx_state":0,"trans_battery_flag":0,"rainfall_daily":0,"rainfall_monthly":0,"rainfall_year":0,"rain_storm_last":null,"rain_storm_last_start_at":null,"rain_storm_last_end_at":null},{"lsid":227177,"data_structure_type":2,"txid":4,"temp_1": 56.0,"temp_2": 54.6,"temp_3":null,"temp_4":null,"moist_soil_1":12.1,"moist_soil_2":25.9,"moist_soil_3":null,"moist_soil_4":null,"wet_leaf_1":0.1,"wet_leaf_2":null,"rx_state":0,"trans_battery_flag":0},{"lsid":227173,"data_structure_type":4,"temp_in": 79.4,"hum_in":40.3,"dew_point_in": 53.2,"heat_index_in": 78.4},{"lsid":227172,"data_structure_type":3,"bar_sea_level":30.333,"bar_trend":-0.027,"bar_absolute":30.230}]},"error":null}

in the debug window
the UDP real time data should show
and then every minute the other data should show (temp/hum/dew etc)

Yes, that is correct and is fully functional; however, it flashes up only for about a second and thus I didn’t notice the other data be displayed originally.

I should make it 2 data windows
but basicly everthing is working
although I suspect the UDP will time out (and the seconds it says for duration
i.e 1200 seconds
so that will need to be called again, to get the udp data (i.e every 20 minutes)

Correct, everything is working and I will now let it run for the next 20 minutes (1200 secs) uninterrupted to verify the timeout.
I have sent a you a PM as picture paints a 1000 words.

It timed out as expected and displays the error message “143: Busy performing current action.”

Screen Shot 2019-05-14 at 19.44.48.png

try running it again until that happens again and then try clicking on test ?

Test reconnection - clicking test did not restore connection. PM Sent

new update to test :slight_smile:

vers 1.1

Test results:

Working and I am leaving it running as I need to go out again.
Both windows are refreshing and I noted a quick splash of a comment access violation. This is the flashing up when the T/H is parsed and presented in the top windows. This is captured. PM on way

with Brientim’s (and others) help WD now supports the Davis WLL :slight_smile:

Brian, I guess that there will be a new setup page within Weather Display where one will enter the information required to communicate with the WLL - then Weather Display will process the data acquire from the WLL. :?

Goto Control Panel > Station Type and Settings on the bottom left is the Davis Weather Link Live. Note http://ip_address and Enable.

Thanks for the screenshot. Since my last post, I have downloaded the latest update of Weather Display and noticed the new entry on the Davis weather stations page. :wink:

I have done an update to fix where rain was not being picked up :slight_smile:
support as also been added to the Mac and Linux versions now too
and I fixed an error in the crondaviswll

Thanks, Brian.

I will re-start my WD with WLL support, I will update that WD and will report - might take a few hours. Unfortunately, no rain is expected until Wednesday and/or Thursday night.

Is there an issue with Average Wind Speed and Current Wind Speed on Weather Display when using Weather Link Live? Now that I have changed to Weather Link Live from Weather Link IP, the wind speed no longer updates. Is this maybe due to having a separate Davis wireless Anemometer / Sensor Transmitter? Do I need to configure Weather Display differently for this type of set up with Weather Link Live?

ah, WD might not be picking up that data correctly, with your configuration
I will need a copy of the Daviswll.txt file

Here is a copy of my Daviswll.txt file :slight_smile: thx!

Daviswll.txt (2.21 KB)

OK,I see the problem
the windspeed data is in the second lot of data (second sendsor)
the first lot of data the windspeed data is NULL data
so I just need to detect that and then use the second lot of data
I will work on that and let you know