Unable to open port during FTP upload to Weather Underground

Unable to open port(s) during FTP uploads to Weather Underground…

230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
Change to remote Dir /
250 OK. Current directory is /
Checking for next FTP agenda…
there are 1 more things to do
Doing ftp upload
Checking there are files to upload
There are more files to upload
PORT 192,168,1,215,254,237
200 PORT command successful
STOR index.htm
425 Could not open data connection to port 65261: Connection timed out
141: FTP protocol error: 425 Could not open data connection to port 65261: Connection timed out
PORT 192,168,1,215,255,130
200 PORT command successful
STOR indexdial.gif
425 Could not open data connection to port 65410: Connection timed out
141: FTP protocol error: 425 Could not open data connection to port 65410: Connection timed out

Has something changed ?

but there is no FTP to wunderground
there is FTP to your web site
try setting to use passive mode in the FTP settings