Added MQTT support


Here is an example of the “art of possible” I came across last night.

To implement this, all is needed is to replace the WeatherLink source (i.e. the http request object) with the message coming from WD. Also, some of the Function objects would have to be modified as well to account for available datapoints.


  1. Currently working on a NR script that would persist the message in a MySQL database. Trying to decide if storing the message as a single JSON datatype or individual columns…
  2. Persist the data in a timeseries database (i.e. InfluxDB) for later rendering on a dashboard (i.e. Grafana)

Next we could look at replacing the FTP process all together by having a script run on the web server that would subscribe to the message and convert it into a text file to b e stored locally (i.e. pull vs push).

Will keep you posted on the progress


And there you have it.

Data is being persisted in an InfluxDB TimeSeries database and the data is rendered on the Grafana dashboard.

For this to be possible, I had to:

  1. Strip the “Client ID” from the message, since its presence would result in an incorrect JSON structure

  2. All the values in the customomclientraw file are entered in double quotes. This means that every datatype would be created as strings. I went thru the entire structure of the file and removed the double quotes on those fields that would generate float values (i.e temp, tempTL, tempTH, intemp etc)

  3. Brian, I noticed that the 2 values for presstrendval and temptrend should be of type float but they are actually being generated as strings (since values greater than 0 are created with a leading “+” sign). Is this by design?

re your Q 2, is this for the customclientraw, or?

also have you come across the MQTT skin


Yes, I was referring to the customclientraw.

Also, do you think you could make the Client ID optional? Or better yet, make it part of the perhaps part of the customclientraw file. Shirt term, I am going to hard code the value “ClientID”:“Southampton” at the front of teh file… As I mentioned, I had to remove it from the message since it is creating an invalid JSON array.

As far as the MQTT skin Belchertown, yes I have. Will look into that next. As for its ability to “auto refresh” the Belchertown page, it relies on the mqtt websocket service. To test that, I will need to modify my mosquitto/mqtt deployment since at present I am not exposing the service.


what if you set the clientid as blank?

tried that, it populated a system generated value.


that is by design, sorry
but you could set it as a space ?


Tried that, It is still a problem, since now the text preceding the JSON record is a space followed by an exclamation point. For the data to be recognized as a valid JSON array, I still need to strip everything to the left of the “{”


and with it set to nothing

I did, I have cleared the Client ID field on the form but I am still getting this…



then its not doable
as the component when it sees the clientid set to blank, will then set an auto generated one


I have added the ability to store the message into a MYSQL database.

To optimize the design, the flow inserts into 2 tables:

MQTT holds the entire message array
MQTT_Summary gets populated by the “UPSERT” block of the flow. AT any given time, this table will only contain 1 record, the most current one. This will improve the performance when trying to display “t0” data.

Lastly, on the database side, I have created an event that will purge records on the MQTT table as records become older than X days.

Let me know what would be the best way to share the scripts with those users who may be interested in replicating the approach.


Hi Brian,

I ended up setting up a mqtt broker via CloudMqtt and WD is successfully able to update it.

YEsterday though the CloudMqtt server I connect to had a harware failure and was offline for a few hours - the WD mqtt connection program obviously disconnected. When the server came back up, I had to manually re-connect via the Connect button in the WD mqtt window.

Is it possible for an auto connection retry to occur, say once every 10 mins or so?


I guess a auto re connect it a good idea for when you have set for updates fast where the program does not restart (and so re connect)

Thanks Brian - remind me what the frequency threshold is above which the the process doesn’t terminate?

I set in the component to stay alive/auto reconnect
seems to work
(i.e if I disconnect my internet it will re connect when I reconnect that)
if the update rate is less than 60 seconds it will stay running

try this new update
vers 1.8

Thanks - new version works fine with my local testing - I’ll monitor with the connection to CloudMqtt - Regards Ian

Has anyone else besides myself experimented with Weather Display’s new MQTT support and Home Assistant? I posted a separate message on my configuration on how I pulled in the temp and humidity via WD->MQTT->Home Assistant.

Not sure if this would help other MQTT related projects, but having each “custom tag” sent as it’s own topic (using the tag’s name) would be extremely helpful in making this far easier to pull in to Home Assistant. That is due to the fact that you wouldn’t have to parse the line of text, but rather just point to the different topics by themselves. Much more straight-forward and would work for even the most challenging text - like current conditions, etc.


I have to respectfully disagree. Having a single message gives you the greatest flexibility from a programming standpoint while allowing for “3rd-party” components to create bolt-ons and pool whatever information is needed.

Having said that, as far as Home Assistant is concerned, here is how I was able to pull the temp and humidity:

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "MQTT Temp"
    state_topic: "Southampton/WD/newjson"
    unit_of_measurement: "

Here is how I am pulling the data, which is basically parsing the clientraw line of custom tags (temp and humidy) for testing. Since parsing is really not perfect when it comes to tags like current conditions (which is multiple words, etc), this logic won’t work properly.

I’m using EMQ-X as the MQTT broker with Home Assistant. Not familiar with the json setup, and couldn’t get that to work. Very possible could be me not calling the json functionality properly.

My thought of doing each custom tag as a different topic would be as simple as just having different “state_topics” for each sensor or whatever you are calling. No parsing needed.

Here is how I have mine working now:


  • platform: mqtt
    name: “Outdoor Temperature”
    state_topic: “homeassistant”
    unit_of_measurement: ’