Weatherflow and Mac

Re solar
Make sure the switch is on in the solar setup
Re lightning
Try the latest update
I am away this weekend at a university reunion
But will test the solar and lightning when I get back

Oh and you can have indoor temp/ hum
Via a second air sensor
And then you set that sensor to be used for
Indoor in WD

They always promised an indoor BREATHE sensor to do that. . . but?

Ok, if you want we can work on this when you return. FYI, downloaded latest, not seeing solar or uv plotted on WD console. Solar is being picked up by WD and the solar% shows on the console above the graph but no plot. I set to store the UV as extra hun #4 but I do not see uv anywhere on the console screen. As for lightning, it’s a rare event here but the NWS says we may get some this evening…if WF picks up some strikes I will let you know if it’s graphed or not. (add: strikes recorded by WF do not show on WD console)

How do I get those vertical lines that keep showing up on the graphs that move with the cursor if I mouse over the graph? They keep popping up on the graphs even when I don’t mouse over the WD console…

And what are the two bars above the compass? (add: They appear to show solar% on the top bar and maybe hours of sun on lower bar?)

(add: Could you reduce the WD console Rain Today to only show 2 decimal places? Mine is showing 4 decimal places for some reason.)

Looking very good…

the rain shows that number of decimal places because it can (i.e because the WF rain sensor reports to a lot of decimal places)

And what are the two bars above the compass? (add: They appear to show solar% on the top bar and maybe hours of sun on lower bar?)


How do I get those vertical lines that keep showing up on the graphs that move with the cursor if I mouse over the graph? They keep popping up on the graphs even when I don't mouse over the WD console...
its just a graphics glitch on the mac/linux version. only solution is I can look to see to not show the vertical line at mouse cursor position

re lightning, did the strike show under view, lightning strikes?
i will so some testing here today

FYI, I ended up changing the color of the vertical lines to black so I don’t see them with my screen colors.

Lightning…showed up kinda…the total shows 3 with the lasst strike recorded at 9am and that was 3 hours ago so there should have been counts shown for last 12 hours at least…

WD stopped updating data overnight (WD was running just not updating) so I still don’t know if lightning strikes will be displayed or shown on the console…I re-started WD a little after 8am and you see how the graphs all jumped to show current readings. Rain amount when using UDP is not recording correctly. If I turn off UDP it will stay very close to what smartwx shows. Running the April 11th build 312 here now.

A side note about the WeatherFlow station…yesterday my Davis Vue recorded 0.11" of rain, the WF recorded 0.0050" of rain. Best guess is the haptic sensor doesn’t record small rain drops. The weather was more like drizzle. I guess the rain drops were to small to register on the AIR sensor. This is one situation where the tipping bucket is better suited for measuring rainfall.

there is a new update re the lightning strike info
the plotting on the graph should work now

re the rain when not using UDP
what I need is a copy of the weatherflow2.txt file when it does not have rapid wind data …i.e has rain data in it, when using UDP


good oh, that is exactly what I am looking for
I will do some testing/checking

also post here the contents of the file weatherflow3.txt (that file should update when ever the weatherflow2.txt file has rain data in it)

i have a new update
with some debug code re the rain when using the calculated rain option
it works in testing, by adjusting the rain total in the weatherflow3.txt file (i.e which should be a copy of the weatherflow2.txt file when that has rain data in it (and not just rapid wind data)

more weatherflow2.txt
Macintosh:webfiles deadeye916$ more weatherflow2.txt

more weatherflow3.txt
Macintosh:webfiles deadeye916$ more weatherflow3.txt

Had to simulate rain…note that rain number in WD did NOT change after this recorded rain…I dribbled water on the sensor until I saw a rainfail reading in cronweatherflow v1.9

if you have ticked to use calc rain in the weather station type setup
then WD uses the value
in the weatherflow3.txt file

I tested, using the latest update (you do not say if you have that) and if I increase that value (mm) then the value in WD goes up
is that value in that file increasing when you like create rain?
there is also debug info in WD under view, debug info

I just installed the Apr14 version, so my earlier data was from the previous Apr11 version. I am NOT using calculated rain amount.

Also, I was having issues with my internet connection this morning and I forgot that I put my iMac on a different internet connection. So cronweatherflow and my hub were on different networks. It should have dawned on me when I noticed the weatherflow2 & 3 txt files were only updating once a minute. Duh! My bad, sorry. I don’t know how that would affect the data I sent you earlier…

So, everything is reset back to normal internet and I have installed the Apr14 version of WD for OSX. Not raining now but should have more on the way tonight or tomorrow.

try the use calculated rain amount in the weather station type setup

Uh oh…when I went to select the calc rain I noticed WD showed rain icon and 0.7468" rain. WD was showing 0.3713" of rain before I installed the Apr14 version…and it’s not raining here. Anyways, I have now selected to use calc rain…

I think WD read the daily amount and added it again as the new amount is exactly double the previous amount…

2 days in a row WD has failed to perform the midnight reset. Not sure why WD suddenly stopped performing the daily reset. Yes, WD is running 24/7. I manually had WD do the reset so not sure if there is any log file I could send to help you, but if there is let me know and I will send it.


Think you need 0 (for midnight) in the top three boxes as well?