Season Counter Script

Does anyone have the season counter script, i believe it was Curly’s, that you could share.


Implementation isn’t trivial, but I have it on my highly modified version of Scott Thompson’s Alternate Dashboard.

In ‘AltAjaxDashboardConfig6.php’ (in context):

$useNewMoon = 1;							// Use New Moon Display
															// 0 = no display; 1 = Local TZ display; 2 = UTC display; 3 = Both UTC and Local Displays 
$useNextSeason = 1;						// Use Next Season Display
															// 0 = no display; 1 = Local TZ display; 2 = UTC display; 3 = Both UTC and Local Displays 
$useSeasonCntDwn = true;			// Use Season Count Down Timer

// Language translation for month names are located in the main dashboard script in the function section towards the end of the code

The Dashboard code (again in context):

                  <?php } else if ($use24HTChange) { ?>
                  <?php echo "24 Hour Temp. Change" ?>
                  <a class="hvr-glow hvr-grow" href="" target="_blank" title="US 24 Hr. Temp Change Map in New Tab"><img src="<?php echo getUniqueImageURL('')?>" id="DeltaT24Hr" height="112" width="140" alt="24 Hour Delta T" align="middle"/></a>
                 <?php } else if ($useNextSeason) { ?>
                  </td></tr><tr><td class="datahead" colspan="2" style="text-align:center"><?php langtrans('Season Countdown') ?>
								 <?php }?>
                <?php } if ($useNextSeason >1) {?>
                  <td class="data2" style="vertical-align:middle;"><?php langtrans($nextSeason); ?>:</td>
                  <td class="data2" nowrap="nowrap" style="text-align: right; vertical-align:middle; <?php echo ($useNextSeason==3?'font-size:9px; line-height:140%':'')?>">
                    <!-- Use GMT's from common.php via $tyEvent in Curly's season-include.php -->
                    <?php $localTR[0] = date('H:i',($tyEvent-date_offset_get(new DateTime)-(date("I",$tyEvent)?3600:0))).' UTC'; // Hour:Min am/pm TZ string
                    	$localTR[1] = date('j M Y',$tyEvent); // dd Mon yyyy string
                      $dmylen = strlen($localTR[1]);
                      echo $localTR[0];?>

                    <?php echo rdate($RecDateF, (split_to_mon(1, substr($localTR[1], 0, $dmylen))), (split_to_day(1, substr($localTR[1], 0, $dmylen))), (split_to_year(substr($localTR[1], 0, $dmylen)))); ?>
                <?php } if (($useNextSeason==1) || ($useNextSeason==3)) { ?>
                  <td class="data2" style="vertical-align:middle; <?php echo ($useNextSeason==3?'font-size:9px; line-height:140%':'')?>"><?php echo ($useNextSeason==3?'Local 
                  <td class="data2" nowrap="nowrap" style="text-align: right; <?php echo ($useNextSeason==3?'font-size:9px; line-height:140%':'font-size:11px')?>">
                    <!-- Use GMT's from common.php via $tyEvent in Curly's season-include.php -->
                    <?php $localTR[0] = date($timeOnlyFormat.' T',$tyEvent); // Hour:Min am/pm TZ string
                    	$localTR[1] = date('j M Y',$tyEvent); // dd Mon yyyy string
                     	$dmylen = strlen($localTR[1]);
                     	echo $localTR[0];?>

                    <?php echo rdate($RecDateF, (split_to_mon(1, substr($localTR[1], 0, $dmylen))), (split_to_day(1, substr($localTR[1], 0, $dmylen))), (split_to_year(substr($localTR[1], 0, $dmylen)))); ?>
                <?php if ($useSeasonCntDwn===true) { ?>
                  <tr> <!-- Season Counter by Curly -->
                  	<td class="data2" colspan="2" id="cdcounter" style="text-align:center">&nbsp;
                <?php } ?>
                  <td class="data2" colspan="2" style="text-align:center;">
<?php } // end $useET   ?>

Here’s where I placed the call to ‘season-include.php’ in my Dashboard (context included):

// end of special testing parms
print "<!-- fcstby='$fcstby' fcstscript='" . $SITE['fcstscript'] . "' fcstorg='" . $SITE['fcstorg'] . "' -->\n";
// end of overrides from Settings.php

include_once('season-include.php');	// Countdown timer to next season

if (!isset($keepNarrow)) $keepNarrow = true;

include_once($WXtags);   // for the bulk of our data

Finally my version of ‘season-include.php’ is in the attached zip. (1.7 KB)

Jerry, Thanks for the information. I will work on the new Dashboard and implement your help once finished. Hope to do that over the weekend. I noticed you have quite a bit of scripts on your website for us to use, thanks so much for those.

One of the ones i have seen is Curly’s SWSPnational.php script. I know that it quit working, i guess because of moving things around. But I have found a website that uses the script and it is working I have tried to contact them but have been unable to get a reply. Your website is AWESOME, by the way. 8)

Thanks again