Analysing WD Data


I want to extract all my WD data into Power BI so I can analyse it and make some cool visualisations.

I assume I just need to use the monthly files, i.e. 112017lg.txt, 122017lg.txt etc. etc. and merge all months together into one big data file. I am not missing anything am I? i.e. I should be using different files.

I am using the spaces between data to define my columns when I do my import into Power BI and this works but not for all of my data. I have some data inconsistencies causing data to move into the next column. I think this will have come from me importing data files from Wunderground and I will need to fix this manually but I was wondering if anyone else has had this issue or tried to do what I am doing?


Some programs don’t care about multiple delimiter characters but whenever I import WD logfiles to anything I first do a search and replace to seek out and destroy any mutiple spaces. If it’s just one file I’ll use a text editor, otherwise a simple script.

Thanks very much for the reply.

I’ll try with Notepad++.

Out of interest, what program would you write your script in?


Notepad++ will do it. Most recently I’ve been playing with Python.