AAG_WeatherCenter Files

Thanks for the comments, this is making more sense as a template… that is what the file looks like. The “tag” file I guess has the suffix of .htx not html or htm. Let me append a copy with a .txt appended. Maybe this is a lost ability of WeatherDisplay.

This is the help file for AAG_WeatherCenter and there is an entry for WeatherDisplay settings.


I may have it working now because WeatherDisplay seems to produce an htm file using the htx template and if I feed the htm NOT the htx into AAG_WeatherCenter, the WeatherCenter display works.

FYI, the goal of the maneuver is to have AAG_WeatherCenter set a stop bit is a safety binary when weather consitions go out of sort. The AAG_CloudSensory does this for the clouds… together they form a pair that shuts to roof if either is bad.

AAG_WeatherCenterWD.htx.txt (11.8 KB)