How hard is to setup and use weather34 template? ** Closed - outdated **

To load your data to the sql-table on your server you use a script which runs 24/7 at a fixed interval, say every 5 or 10 minutes.
You can choose either of the two:
If you use WDapi you can use that one. A small drawback: if you are uploading very fast, f.i. every 5 seconds, the table will grow rapidly.

If you use the 10 minute station-cron you can use that one. That is the valid choice for clientraw upload also.

Just before midnicht the second cron will calculate the high-lows of today and store a line with those totals in the Yearly and Monthly .CSV files.
To clean the daily sql-table the third cron job will delete all rows from the sql table just after midnight.

To use all, this the PC with WeatherDisplay should run 24/7 and not be restarted during 11:45 PM and 00:15 AM as some users tend to do.
