Older version of WD10.37s download needed

Apologies for asking this, but the download page previously kept an older release for download if needed to roll back to a previous stable version. I have loaded the latest update and have an issue and wanted to roll back, but for the life of me I can’t find a pevious release possibly build 85.
Am I being short sighted and cant see the link to find an older version. I have read the wiki, searched in FAQ but I seem to have missed the clues.
Any help appreciated (BTW I normally keep at least 5 older versions, but a PC update I cleaned them out (lesson learnt).
Many Thanks

there was a link to a very old version, which was like 10 yearsr old , but I did remove that

Thanks I was looking for WD10.37S build85 as it it’s build 87 i have loaded, and for some reason yet to determine I have a wind offset of 6.9mph. I have checked and nothing is set to provide this, but I didn’t get this on build 85, my reason to want to go back a step. I have a copy of build 83 which I suppose I could go back to if all else fails.

I have -b85 zips from 12/11/2018, 12/19/2018, and 12/28/2018. What’s your preference? I’ll load it to my website and send you a link via PM.

what weather station type?

I have full installs of the last 10 WD builds. Give me your eMail, and I’ll send you an old one.


I’d prefer the 12/28/2018 zip please.
Thanks for your help.

PM Sent.

Jerry + All
Thanks for your help on this, I can now try and resolve the matter at hand. Unusually I keep old copies of the downloads but in this instance a lapse I suspect. Anyway thanks all for your help.