***closed*** weather34 for WeatherDisplay (clientraw and WDapi)

But that one is default light-theme, I will switch it to dark and check.

I am checking if you override the default theme, how long the server remembers it.
After that the default switches in.

if (array_key_exists('theme', $_GET) 
    && ($_GET['theme'] == 'dark' || $_GET['theme'] == 'light')) 
     {  $theme = $_GET['theme'];
        SetCookie('theme', $theme, time()+ 600); } 

The blocks are loaded without the theme,


so after 600 seconds without a refresh, the $theme switches back to the default.

Solution: For now set the line 158 of w34_settings.php from

        SetCookie('theme', $theme, time()+ 600); } 

to any value you see appropriate for “camping” visitors, example 10 hours

        SetCookie('theme', $theme, time()+ 36000); } 

Normal visitors who visit your site in the theme you choose yourself, do not have any problems.

I checked your avatar at the left of your post.
This whole problem occurs while you yourself set the avatar-globe to “WeetingHome Weather Station (WD version)”, but your settings to light.
Never occurred to me that your settings were default “light”