***closed*** weather34 for WeatherDisplay (clientraw and WDapi)

It seems that when running the dark theme. it sometimes happens that a global variable $theme does not keep its value.
It switches from “dark” to “???” => the scripts use “light” then
So when you start with dark the css for dark is loaded and the classes used in the code are correct in the css

<div class="circleOut">
<div class="temperaturecircle"></div>
<div class="temptextmild">12.1<suptemp>&deg;</suptemp></div>
</div><!-- end circleOut -->

When the change to “???” occurs the CSS loaded is still the dark one but the code now changes to

<div class="circleOut">
<div class="mild">  </div>
<div class="temptext">12.1<suptemp>&deg;</suptemp></div>
</div><!-- end circleOut -->

Those classes are not in the light-css so the colors are not displayed.

When starting with “light” light theme the light css is loaded.
When $theme changes to “???” there is no problem as the generated code remains the same.

I have multiple windows open on my test servers for over 30 minutes but the changes do not occur at my test-site.
