***closed*** weather34 for WeatherDisplay (clientraw and WDapi)

Cronjobs are started from somewhere else and only executed on your weather34/ website.
WeatherPrograms such as WeatherDisplay or Meteobridge are able to function as a cron-server themselves.
Small linux computers such as RaspBerry have built in cron-servers also.

Or you can use a free (or almost free) con-provider.
There are multiple discussions on the weather-fora about which providers can be used.
Sometimes your website provider has a free cron service also.
Some of the names I got when using Google Free cronjobs - from minutely to once a year. - cron-job.org https://www.cronjob.de/ https://www.setcron.com/

But this topic/discussion is not the right place and by hiding it here in this topic you will get far less answers than starting a topic such as" Which (free) cronjob server should I use?"
