***closed*** weather34 for WeatherDisplay (clientraw and WDapi)

The second job should clear the table and clear the daily .csv
The daily file ./chartsmysql/result.csv
Has one line only , with the headers
Filetime (UTC): 2019-02-01T23:00:32+00:00 which an age of 15 hrs 46 min 02 seconds
It was purged exactly midnight Norway time. Your question about old data is answered, that data will be correctly removed at midnight
Now to find out why no data is added during the day, use the test program . . . /_test.php?test=w34_cron_stationcron.php “et voila”

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function curl_init() in /home/weather/public_html/w34_load_files.php:201 

Same reason as for another problem, no CURL. The main task of cronjob is to load the data before it is needed. The script fails so it can not do the other tasks. You could set WDapi to do the task.
