***closed*** weather34 for WeatherDisplay (clientraw and WDapi)

This is to much data for easyweathersetup as you can add as menu entries as you want.
There is always to much or far to less documentation. This is the first new release and this topic helps me to find the proper balance.
Check this readme http://wd34.weather-template.com/documentation/WD34-questions.pdf
Scroll to => Menu options => Display Extra links in Menu (default false)
If you want to include extra pages in the menu, you can use a standard iFrame script.
The supporting script is w34_frames.php where you setup the links to the extra page(s) you want to use.
You can add as menu entries as you want, they are all shown with a link in the menu and when click appear in an iframe in the middle of the page. You have set the name of the page in the menu
The URL which should go into the Iframe
The height of the iframe

#  these are examples, please use your own ones
$frame                  = 'EWN_mesonet';
$frm_ttls[$frame]       = lang('European Weather Network');  // name in menu
$frm_src[$frame]        = 'https://www.weerstation-herent.be/ewn/stations.php?lang='.$used_lang;
$frm_hgth[$frame]       = 1500;  // length =  height of frame
