***closed*** weather34 for WeatherDisplay (clientraw and WDapi)

Wim, why is the data from both the Davies Instruments and WeatherFlow weather stations being processed in this newer version of the ‘weather34’ templates - should it not be either the data from the Davies Instruments weather stations (ie: Weather Display - clientraw.txt/WDapi.txt) or the data from the WeatherFlow weather station (ie: WeatherFlow API - weatherflow.txt).

From what I can see so far (looking through the different scripts), the ‘weather34’ templates appear to use mostly the data from Weather Display (ie: clientraw.txt/WDapi.txt).

I understand that most users only have one weather station. Would it not be better/simpler if the data used was from only one provider (ie: Weather Display or WeatherFlow).

Just curious… :?

Wim, may I make a suggestion - when replying to a message could you either not quote the whole message or only quote the part of the message you are replying to - otherwise the message thread very long very quick. :wink: