***closed*** weather34 for WeatherDisplay (clientraw and WDapi)

The avatar on the left of your posts, points to an invalid website: http://www.knjazevac.co.yu/Meteo/wxindex.php

I checked your previous posts: is this the site you are discussing about: Knjaževac, Istočna Srbija Home Weather Station (wd version) ?
You can check any module and the most recent data form WeatherDisplay as used by the template here
Click on “live data values” and they are displayed in the large box below. Those are the “recalculated” values from your upload file = clientraw
If they are uploaded by WDapi there is a button to display the raw WDapi values also

    [wind_direction] => 83
    [wind_direction_avg] => 259

wind_direction comes from clientraw [3]
wind_direction_avg from clientraw [146]

For how the graphs are drawn and on which values they are based, I have to check with BrianUnderdown.


Sorry for bad link. I change that.

I think that should be

10 minute average wind direction from clientraw [176]

clientraw [146] is “Hr Wind Dir 01” that is data for wind direction 60min ago

You are right. A minor problem is that [176] is available only in recent clientraw files.
I would prefer [117], that contains the same value. I check your clientraw at: Clientraw - Script developers info
I will have to add code to check if [176] exists when using that one.
For now, you can change it in line 143 of w34_livedata.php and i will put the change in the intermediate update.

Thanks for spotting this error,

I change

$weather["wind_direction_avg"]  = $wd[117];


$weather["wind_run"]            = $wd[173];

I think that now work fine :slight_smile:

The line for windrun should be

	$weather["wind_run"]            = convert_speed ($wd[173],'km/h',$to);

It would not translate to miles if a visitor switched to that on your site. Check the demo site
Leuven Home Weather Station (wf version) => 19.9 mi
Leuven Home Weather Station (wf version) => 32 km

but on Leuven Home Weather Station (wf version) => 9 km

That should be 9 m/s
Thanks for spotting that bug. :oops:

but can not convert km to m/s. Should be stay

19.9 mi for us
32 km for metric
32 km for scandinavia metric

I tried to use “meter”. Have to find a solution for this , as there is for now no distance setting.Will do that a.s.a.p.

I set Dark sky forecast and in main page work fine but in Extras Dark Sky forecast show for Leuven-Sluispark.
That is an example of "extra pages " in the menu using an iframe. I used one of my own pages for that Explained here: http://wd34.weather-template.com//documentation/WD34-questions.pdf => Menu options => Display Extra links in Menu (default false) The supporting script is w34_frames.php where you setup the links to the extra page(s) you want to use.
And one more question. Is there a (wide)16:9 version?
No, not as far as i know. And as the design is strictly BrianUnderdown (weather34 on this forum) you should ask him. I am available for support of the clientraw/WDapi version.


Thank you for help!
I set DarkSky and EWN forecast to my town Knjazevac in w34_frames.php :slight_smile:

Hello, when I do Test / Update for the api I get this:
any suggestions
Thank you

The script works at your site.
Returns correctly the error message.
Your screenshot shows more like a “page not found” type error.
Check the spelling as we can not see what is in the URL box, should be w34_WDapi.php without any spaces after it.

It does not upload yet as the data on your site is still the original download test-data
http://www.meteotorrelavega.com/pwsWD/w34_module_test.php => click on “Show WDapi values”
or use http://www.meteotorrelavega.com/pwsWD/jsondata/WDapi.txt


Should there be something else to be changed in the script, except for the translation of lang_extra.txt
I make lang_sr.txt with some part of serbian translation and upload on my server but http://vreme.in.rs/knjazevac/pwsWD/index.php?lang=sr have not serbian translate.

thanks, a spelling error

Yes, it needs more as the scripts do not know about the ‘sr’ language. It is on the f
There are only 4 languages in the download.

  • If you want to add your own language, make a copy of pwsWD/languages/lang_extra.txt and do the translations.
    [li]You then rename the current pwsWD/languages/lang_nl.txt to lang_xxxx.txt . And the adapted copy to lang_nl.txt
    By selecting “dutch (=nl)” as the language in the menu you can test every block to check the translations. [/li]
  • Often you have to trim them till they fit. So carefully check all blocks!
  • When you are satisfied with the result, sent me a mail from the weather-watch forum with the zipped language file
  • I will test and install the language for an intermediate update and next release.

We already did three languages that way.


I had to deactivate line 261 of:
w34 livedata.php
because it gives me error
// $ weather [“lux”] = number_format ($ wd [41] /0.00790.952991.0012,0, ‘.’, ‘’);
any suggestions
Thank you #-o #-o

What is the recommended install procedure for installing on Ubuntu 18.10?
I tried to follow this https://weather34.com/homeweatherstation/guides/setupubuntu.html, but ended up having this issue:
502 Bad Gateway

I do not understand what your question is about.
This discussion-thread is about using the WD version of the weather34 template, not about installing webservers.
This template should run on any webserver with PHP 7.x and optional SQL(lite)
Consider posting your question on another forum.


It seems that WD uploads “–” when the solar/uv is not available when using the WDapi.
All tests until now had UV/Solar in their station or set it so in the WDapi window in WD

It is strange that you get an error as error-reporting should be switched off, by default. I will have to look into this more in detail.

Can you please try the attached version, thanks
I added the code to check if the data is numeric.
But still do not understand why there are errors in the logs.


w34_livedata.php.zip (5.25 KB)

All sorted by my provider today, including pop-up graphs, at http://swanston.maui.co.uk/pws.

Old version still at /pwsold.

Thanks for your help, Wim.