Multiple Gauges from different stations on the same page?

You could be in for a bit of digging here!

First thing I would say is that the two scripts have a name clash. The scripts try to keep all their variables private by encapsulating the code within an immediate function.

So, at the top of teh script you have…

var gauges = (function () {

In you second script change that to…

var gauges2 = (function () {

Another problem, the script uses jQuery to perform the AJAX queries. It assumes it has sole access, so the two scripts will interfere with each other - e.g. line 2616…

if ($.active > 0)

$.active will be greater than zero if the “other” script is currently running a query. :frowning:

Horrible hack - just comment out the following _jqXHR.abort(); command!

With those two changes the gauges function - how reliably though…