Some tags now empty!

Brian, I have the latest version, the one that was updated on November 12.

Did not fix! :frowning:

On the ‘Extra Daily High/Low Weather Parameters’ window, there are many boxes without any value under the columns for yesterday.

Here are the tags that are ‘still’ missing some data (either a value or a time or both are missing)(as of 05h45 on November 12 PST):

  • maxbaroyest = yesterday high barometer value
  • maxbaroyestt = yesterday high barometer time
  • maxgustlastimediatehourtime = max gust last prior 1 hour time
  • maxhourrnt = maximum rain last hour for the day time
  • minchillyest = yesterday’s minimum wind chill value
  • minchillyestt = yesterday’s minimum wind chill time
  • mindewyest = yesterday’s minimum dew point value
  • mindewyestt = yesterday’s minimum dew point time
  • minheatyest = yesterday’s minimum heat index value
  • mintempyestt = yesterday’s minimum temperature time

What is really really odd is that the two copies (same version number) of Weather Display that I am running on two different computers (with no interaction between each computers) have started producing the same empty tags at the same time! 8O

What else could I checked, could one data file (or more) produced by Weather Display got corrupted? The tags without value are really messing up my web pages.

My Weather Display is producing two different variables using the same tag - I should have quoted the variable ‘’$maxgustlastimediatehourtime’ which is produced by the tag ‘%maxgustlastimediatehourtime%’ rather than the variable ‘$maxgsthrtime’ which is also produced by the tag ‘%maxgustlastimediatehourtime%’. Sorry.