Purple Air tags

I can’t seem to get the PM1.0 or the PM10.0 tags to display anything but zero.
I can get proper responses from the PM2.5 tags with no problem.
Is there any special trick to set-up to get these tags to work:

%purpleair1_0%…Value of 1.0 micron particle measure from purple air sensor
%purpleair10_0%…Value of 10.0 micron particle measure from purple air sensor

%60minmeanpurpleair10_0%…Last 60 minutes average PM 10.0 value

%24hourmeanpurpleair10_0%…Last 24 hours average PM 10.0 value

%60minminpurpleair10_0%…Min value in last 60 minutes PM 10.0 value
%24hourminpurpleair10_0%…Min value in last 24 hours PM 10.0 value

%60minmaxpurpleair10_0%…Max value in last 60 minutes PM 10.0 value
%24hourmaxpurpleair10_0%…Max value in last 24 hours PM 10.0 value

Also, are there no Average (mean) values for the PM1.0 ?

(Using WD Windows Ver# 10.37S80)

you don’t say what type of sensor you have
and you don’t say if the value shows ok under view, purple air
post here the contents of your airquality.txt file