Weather Flow Pressure Reading not matching

Evening - just noted that my pressure reported in WD is not the same as via the Weather Flow direct app -

WD -
WF -

Also attached a screen shot of both - cant seem to work out why…


Screen Shot 2018-10-17 at 18.10.13.png

the data provided to WD is not adjusted
you can though set a baro offset in WD so they will match

Thanks for the answer - now adjusted :slight_smile:


Andy, there has been a lot of discussions about the ‘type’ of pressure being reported by the WeatherFlow weather station.

By the way, the whole network of the WeatherFlow weather stations is currently (still) in a ‘learning’ mode. :?

As an owner of a WeatherFlow weather station it might be a good idea that you visit the WeatherFlow Community/forums - there is a lot of support by a lot of people (including our Weather Display’s man, Brian). :wink:

Yeah, and I’m not sure I like the idea of their “Continuous Learning (CL) auto-calibration system” for pressure (and other parameters) either. . . I quite like to compare my data “to numerous trusted data sources in [my] immediate area” myself.

How do you know for sure that the pressure reported by your WeatherFlow weather station is correct/right for your location (elevation) if the data uploaded to the WeatherFlow database (by your weather station) is not compared with other surrounding weather stations? How then, can your WeatherFlow weather station be calibrated? :roll:

Did you not calibrate your original weather station by looking at surrounding weather stations - so, how do you plan to calibrate your WeatherFlow weather station? :?

Why do you not post a question in the WeatherFlow Community about your concerns rather than expressing your uneasiness in this forum where few people will be able to respond properly. :wink: