Luftdaten Air Quality Sensor

Ah ok Brian, very sorry I’m not very technical so missed that.

I’ve done that and I get an error message “152: No server specified in URL”

There is just one line in airquality2.txt and it reads

I have attached a screen print of my settings just in case I have misunderstood again


try adding http://
to the start off the IP address

Ah, that sort of worked. No error message appears

airquality2.txt now has:

{“software_version”: “NRZ-2018-111”, “age”:“80”, “sensordatavalues”:[{“value_type”:“SDS_P1”,“value”:“17.67”},{“value_type”:“SDS_P2”,“value”:“13.90”},{“value_type”:“samples”,“value”:“634677”},{“value_type”:“min_micro”,“value”:“225”},{“value_type”:“max_micro”,“value”:“26883”},{“value_type”:“signal”,“value”:“-83”}]}

The particle value shown on screen is odd (see attached screen grab)but only looks like it’s picking up the wrong field. The P2 data in airquality2.txt matches the current value in the sensor.

try new update

Oh wow, that worked.

Airquality2.txt reads:
{“software_version”: “NRZ-2018-111”, “age”:“0”, “sensordatavalues”:[{“value_type”:“SDS_P1”,“value”:“57.47”},{“value_type”:“SDS_P2”,“value”:“28.70”},{“value_type”:“samples”,“value”:“636748”},{“value_type”:“min_micro”,“value”:“225”},{“value_type”:“max_micro”,“value”:“26692”},{“value_type”:“signal”,“value”:“-82”}]}

The WD setup screen reads pm2.5 as 28.7 (see attached)

The sensor reads the same (see attached)

Thanks a lot Brian, does that mean it’s good to go?

yes, hopefully now WD should be running the cronairquality.exe program every minute and updating the data auto now
for PM2 and the calculated AQI
for now at least
I could add in to get PM1

The cron seems to be running but this pops up (see attached)?

It doesn’t seem to relate to the Luftdaten sensor details.

wd cron.jpg

download a new .zip test program update, same url as before

new WD version (PM1 should work now) and new cronairquality version…should work now

Hi Brian,

I’ve done that and the cron seems to be running as the airquality2.txt changes it’s time every minute and the data seems to change too.

Nothing else seems to be happening, so I’ll leave it to run over night and see what the morning shows on the main graph.

If I go into the purpleair icon in “View” I don’t see the correct readings? (see attached)

My sensor only does PM10 and PM2.5 so don’t think I can test PM1


Hi again Brian,

The aqi charts are being produced but are straight lining at zero and I would have imagined the first readings would have shown by now. As I said, I’ll leave overnight and see in the morning

Thanks again for doing this


I have fixed a few more things up,hopefully
download another .zip test version update, ready now, same url

Thanks Brian, I have done that and it’s been running for a while now.

The aqi graphs in webfiles aren’t being produced although the aqi plot on the main screen graph has received just one plot, there isn’t a scale showing.

I’ve attached the aqi screen grab from the view menu, it now reads zero and has one plot shown


download again…as before
should be much better now #-o

Ah ha! :smiley: View menu screen shows correct PM2 reading now and an AQI level, the main screen graph now shows the AQI and it is being plotted (see attached). I will need to investigate how AQI is being calculated so can’t vouch for that but will assume correct as PM2.5 is correct.

The AQI charts are being updated in the webfiles folder but don’t seem to change their timestamp, properties shows to have been modified rather than rewritten so I assume that is normal?

I’m off to bed now but will check again first thing, it certainly looks ok :slight_smile:

Thanks Brian


forgot to say PM10 looks like it is being correctly recorded too :slight_smile:

Hi Brian,

Been running 12 hours now and seems fine as far as I can see. Sensor readings and graphs seem fine. This is a quick and dirty web page using the WD gifs

I’d like to create a rolling 30day graph, which log file has the data in please?

Thank you very much, lovely job :slight_smile:


you can create custom log files with WD using custom tags

Ok, great thanks Brian. I


I did also constructing this Air Quality sensor and its operational now however still waiting for my ID from luftdaten admins. and Im glad its already added to WD settings. But I have a request that maybe it can be also added as optional settings

I have my AQI sensor operational but also has Temperature and humidity sensor I added as featured optional on the circuit when making luftdaten AQI sensor, my current weather station can send temperature and humidity for outside temps to WU except its INDOOR temps and Humidity, since my version of ambient weather ws-2902 cannot send Indoor data to WU, so this is my request to Sir Brian, I hope this can be help also to those who desnt have Davis products that can send INDOOR temp/humid to WU.

can you put optional settings on air quality setings under luftdaten sensor settings on WD that if theres a temperature and humidity installed, can you put those as optional for OUTDOOR or for INDOOR temperature data which can be put into WD’s dashboard and added to clientraw, so that we can have indoor temperature recorded on our website dashboards? or you can add some selection option for those EXTRA sensors to be added when adding extra temperature sensor, it can be selected as INDOOR or OUTDOOR.

Thank You and More power.



I guess adding option to use the temp/hum data for either indoor or outdoor data I can add
but I will need a sample raw data file (the airquality.txt file) that has that data in it