How to refresh the monthly report produced by Weather Display

Could someone please remind me how to refresh or produce a fresh copy of the monthly report (ie: the file ‘October2018.htm’ for the current month).

Over the past weeks, for some unknown reasons, Weather Display has been ‘forgetting’ to update the monthly report on an irregular basis - during the past two weeks, on three days, not the same days, the monthly report was not updated.

I have done a search of the forums for ‘monthly report’ but did not find a solution yet.

Go to View in WD.
5th tab Recreate Webpage/Ext

Thank you, thank you, thank you. :oops:

I have saved the information so that when my 71-year-old memory forgets again about that information, I will just need to check the directory where all my Weather Display documentation/information is saved. :wink: