Versioning suggestion

How about adding a dot x number to the build number (i.e. 80.1), at least on the download page, if not in the program. Right now, we have to notice the date/time on the download page or wait for build numbers to increment. Sometimes, when the minor changes are actually important to us, its hard to keep track of. If updating from the zip, the zip file gets the date/time of our download and the unzipped files get the date/time they were unzipped. Not to mention that your date/time is about 12 hours ahead of a lot of us. Finally, the full install inherently gets a different date/time than the zip file, so which one is it, latest or one before?

Just a thought.

Thanks for all your hard work and attention.


In windows, right-click on the ZIP file and under ‘Properties’ check the ‘Unblock’ box before you unzip. I also rename the zip by adding the version and date to the zip before unzipping it, e.g., in order to keep track of all of the versions.

When you preserve the modification dates, after unzipping you can safely delete all of the unnecessary/unchanged files in the unzipped directory and only update those that have changed.

normally I am working with only a few people at a time on a specific problem and I will let them know when that update is ready
and so its not always needed for everyone else to update
when its a more important update that more people will need to update to , I change the version number