consolewd on Mac OSX stop and restart produces a problem

I am testing a version of consolewd on MacOS (sierra). The first time I started it it worked fine. I wanted to change some configuration parameters so I stopped the process. When I went to restart it I got the following error:

EIdCouldNotBindSocket: Could not bind socket. Address and port are already in use.

This tells me that consolewd locked up the address and port but didn’t release it when the process was killed. I looked through all the open processes and didn’t see the problem. Generally when you blast a process in UNIX it kills all child threads, so I am wondering how this situation came to pass and, more importantly, how to get back to a state where I can continue my testing. I hate to think that a power cycle might be required every time I want to restart consolewd.

what weather station type?
(that info should always be provided)

WeatherFlow is my station type (72). You just created this version of consolewd recently Brian.


kill the cronweatherflow program from memory

I had consolewd running here with my weatherflow non stop for a couple of months ( to test it).works great

All is fine now.