Windchill and Heat Index transposed? (RESOLVED)

No, as we discussed, windchill can’t be higher than ambient.

The gauges use data that is - broadly - available across a range of software, some offer more or different data than others. The max value doesn’t mean much as it will equal the max temp much of the time, most people are interested in how low the chill went.


the next update of WD will have the code in place to check if the resulting windchill was higher than the temperature (and so its set as the temperature)
that 1 line of code was missing from the tag code

Thanks, Brian!

I have the same problem, Wind Chill is higher than Ambient.
Have updated WD to build 74 and problem is still there on both my sites.
See here:-

I just checked your site
and I do not see that issue for the left hand one

I agree the left one is not currently showing the problem, but it was earlier when i posted the comment. #-o
I have checked and both sites are set up identically.
Any ideas?

is the right hand one using build 74?

Yes. Both are using build 74.
The WD build is automtically picked up a the bottom (after the Units Table).

The following link shows the two customclientraw.txt files on the server after ftp from the PC’s running WD. (updates every 10 secs) :hello2: !!! Link removed !!! :hello2:

These PC’s are identical, hardware and software, and are dedicated to running WD using fully up to date Win10 pro.

Observing the customeclientraw files it can be seen that the wind chill temp is nearly always in excess of the ambient temp on both sites.

use a new .zip update to fix (I needed a stronger coffee to see the mistake in the code)

Brian great :smiley: Glad the stronger coffee worked :wink:

No wind at either site at present, but I assume the wind chill formula will kick in when the winds start blowing.

Thanks for your help.


Yes, seems to be OK now. Thanks again, Brian.

One more thing on windchill, for Mark: in customclientrawlocal.txt “TwchillTL” should point to tag %minwindcht%, not

If people only want to see the minimum windchill temp we might as well show the right time!

Thanks, I’ll get that fixed…

Mark, the standard windchill tags are:-

%windch% …current wind-chill
%windchnodp% …current wind-chill, no decimal place
%minwindch% …minimum wind-chill
%minwindcht% …time this occurred
%maxwindchill% …maximum wind-chill
%maxwindchillt% …time this occurred

The one you used does not appear to work #-o, but “%minwindch% …minimum wind-chill”, works for me :slight_smile:

Doh #-o I’ll go fix the fix! :oops:

Minimum windchill (wchillTL) tag (%minwindch%) was always correct in customclientrawlocal, it was time of minimum windchill (TwchillTL) tag (%minwindcht%) that was wrong.

OK, just to be 100% sure before I commit… :wink:

    "wchill": "%windch%",
    "wchillTL": "%minwindch%",
    "TwchillTL": "%minwindcht%",

Yes, that’s what is working for me!