Windchill and Heat Index transposed? (RESOLVED)

Did a bit more digging: clientraw and customclientraw are only uploaded every 30 secs, so I opened a copy of each within a few seconds and found:

clientraw temp 16.2, windchill 16.2, heat index 16.2, apparent 16.2, humidex 18.1

custom temp 16.2, windchill 17.1, heat index 16.2, apparent 16.2, humidex 18.1

I also glanced at the gauges and saw temp 16.2, windchill 17.1 and heat index 16.2 before the customclientraw refresh. So how is customclientraw (using %windch%) showing a different value of windchill to clientraw?

I also note that there is no “wchillTH”:“%maxwindchill%” in customclientraw, so the pop-up doesn’t show max and min values.