Open Weather Map

normally developer api keys are not supposed to be made public
I could make it where the aggregated data is downloaded at each data send to a file
but what is the point of that…you know your data anyway, you are sending it from WD?

Exactly, not your apikey, each user must put his apikey (like un WU you each user must put his user and password)
Now I can’t know if I am sending anything, I can’t retrieve my station data (for example to do some application, or to use in OpenHab). In fact, I can’t know if all is working correctly, or delete my station.
Moreover, with a little computer skill (very little), actually anybody can retrieve your apikey, watch all the stations that WD (and you) have created, delete it, etc.

I think that the correct working process is that anybody that want to send his data to OWM, needs his apikey to put in WD to manage his station (like other providers).


OK, i will make it so that you can enter your own api key

i have done that now in the latest .zip update (normal download)

Just played with the site, at first it was showing California, switched the C to F button, reloaded was still in C. Searched for Phoenix only showed text reports, went back to the map and it was now showing Africa. Seems very buggy

I think you are talking about the openweathermap site?

re WD’s cronopenweathermap
so the first time run, it gets the stationid
and the first data sent works (returns 204)
and that stationis is store for next time…and so next time its run, it uses that initial stationid …but the data sent has a return code of 415 instead of (successfull ) 204

what gives

I will try when I have some time… There are any setup to see “debug messages” from WD to help you to debug that?

but that is the debug info I have provided (the return codes)

I have checked the new version, putting my apikey, and it doesn’t create any station. Maybe this is the reason to give you that error.

I have done this:
And it returns only one station, the one that I create manually some days ago:
[{“id”:“5c927d03XXXXstationid”,“created_at”:“2019-03-20T17:48:51.914Z”,“updated_at”:“2019-03-20T17:48:51.914Z”,“external_id”:“OWMALCOIBARA1”,“name”:“Alcoi - Baradello Gelat”,“longitude”:-0.52167654,“latitude”:38.70305252,“altitude”:810,“rank”:10}]


yes, I can use that call
and get a list of the stations I have created under my api key
[{“id”:“5c9af1316c634e000131b766”,“created_at”:“2019-03-27T03:42:41.184Z”,“updated_at”:“2019-03-27T03:42:41.184Z”,“external_id”:“AW_TEST001”,“name”:“Awhitu Test Station”,“longitude”:173.43,“latitude”:-37.76,“altitude”:150,“rank”:10}
but when I try to send measurements to a previous created station ID I get that 415 return code (instead of 204)
are you able to send measurements?

I haven’t tried, because I will have to do “manually” like the creation of stations, using some website that allow to build POST queries.
I try to do, but I need some time to do it.

In any case, WD would have created a new Weather Station with my apikey, isn’t it? Or I have to change anything in OWM WD setup to make WD “recreate” a station?


you can delete it in the registry
[open weather map]

Perfect, I will try all, maybe this afternoon local hour… I report you the results.


It is same. I created weather station and get ID with Postman. Result is 415. OWM not receiving data from PWS… :frowning:

yeah, its strange
but if you do the initial register the station command to get a new stationid each time to use to send the data, then its succesfull (204 returned)
what are we missing here?

I created a new weather station via WD, I got a new station ID, but the result is still 415. Has anybody contacted their support?

Maybe it’s time to loading cronopenweathermap.exe files very short? I do not know…

This is an extension to weewx that uploads weather data to OpenWeatherMap.
I think this program is open source, maybe it can help as an example. I can not try, because it does not support Weatherhawk stations.

do you mean you would use another software just to be able to send data to openweathermap?

No…WeatherDisplay is the best! :wink: I just wanted to try to see if it was working