Restarted and Cannot Get WD to Read Data

Also, I set WD to com1 then exited WD and restarted. It had changed back to com3.

its not likely to be com 1
what shows in windows device manager, ports

I’m totally lost. Cannot get WD to show any data. The graphs look normal up to when I restarted my computer yesterday but all the values at the right of the WD screen are blank. I’ve used the backup wdisplay.ini file from the databackup folder in the zip file.

Please help.

This is the wdisplay.ini file from yesterday that didn’t work.

you should not be putting your settings files on a public forum

also you say please help
but I am
but you need to answer my questions so I can help you
what shows in windows device manager , ports?

is there any error in WD under view, program event log?

also .zip and email me the setting file wdisplayftp.reg, from the databackup folder

I hope I have everything you asked for. The program event log - is this the debug info? The log event file was blank as was the program event log.

See attachments. Thanks!

DebugInfo.JPG (16.5 KB)

Windows 10 Ports.JPG

Attached is the WD screen as of yesterday’s last update, although the time keeps advancing.

Right click icon on left of task bar and in the list click search and type device manager then click device manager and once open check what port number is assigned.
The number has either been change by windows or is in explanation mark mode i.e. problem with driver has WD is not seeing the com port any more and is giving the error in the log you posted

Tried that and it searched for a Silicon Labs driver but then said there was a problem installing the driver and now that driver does not show in Device Driver.

I looked on the Silicon Labs site and found 2 exe files, one CP210xVCPInstaller_x64 and one ending in in another last 3 characters (I didn’t catch the characters). Could this be my problem, the CP210x driver? It won’t install.

You do have a USB weatherlink - right?

If so I would get the Download for Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (v6.7.5) from that one has worked well for other users recently.

Here is what happened when I tried to install the driver. Another thought, maybe the problem was caused by the restart of the computer just before the problem occurred. I was restarting because of a Windows 10 update. Possible?

See below for what happened when I tried to install the driver.

Silicon Labs Driver.JPG

I was about to ask if you has restarted due to an update and yes that may have caused the problem.
suggest you try a power down for 30 seconds then when computer up and running check the device manager again and if still no go try Niko’s link for driver

hcorrin, did as you suggested with exactly the same results - cannot install the driver. What now?

try unticking the setting in WD shown in the attached screen shot
and then restart WD

Did the unticking, but no improvements. See attached.

The CP210x driver is not found in the device manager anymore. It was earlier. When I try to install, it fails.

have you tried unplugging the re plugging back in the usb connection to the pc?
I assume weatherlink does not work either?
seems like a windows driver issue

I was trying several things and got a different Silicon Labs driver to work. WD has been working ok last night. COM11 is being used rather than the previous COM3. Note that I tried to use the Windows 10 Universal driver but that is the one that did not work. Finally, I used the one shown on the Download for Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (v6.7.5). That one worked. Should I be ok? WD is now working correctly for about 10 hours.

Brian, should I tick the “Use this pressure for WD baro reading”? You asked me to untick it earlier.

you can re tick that
(only really needed though if you live at high altitude)