Missing display data / faulty record

OOps … looks like last did not got through

Attached are two screen shots of my WD display and log data for today
The display shows zero (0) rainfall for yesterday in rainfall section @ bottom left of screen, and shows 1.00 mm on graph. ( rain fall is correct measured against official BOM rain gauge)

The log file also indicates rainfall as 1.0 mm. However the log file and display also show that the rainfall total has been zeroed at 08:51 instead of 09:00.
The log file also shows the wind dir at the same time has gone from zero to 32407. … But there is currently no anemometer attached to system ( waiting on a transmitter unit)

My system is Davis VP Pro2 and on a win 10 pc with 8 Gb ram and 256 Gb ssd drive … WD ver 10.37570

hope this gets into the system