Weekly crashes

I’m not sure it’s related but it happened twice (2) in the last 3 weeks that WD crashed.
What happened:

  • WD stopped updating the FTP
  • A flood of Windows system messages on the screen (see below)
  • When I closed all messages, WD still did work and was taking data from the station (Davis)
  • I exited WD and restarted it again. A new system message popped up (see below)
  • Reboot the PC, all OK

Message 1:

Exception EReadError in module ftpupd.exe at 00026C52
Error reading tollstmemo.Lines.Strings::System Error. Code: 8.
Not enough memory resources are available to process this 

Message 2:

Exception EOSError in module WeatherDisplay.exe at
System Error. Code: 8.
Not enough memory resources are available to process this

My laptop is HP EliteBook, Windows10, WD build 68.
I have a 1-wire USB interface taking data from 5 extra temp sensors and do per-minute http downloads and 5 min FTP uploads. RapidFire WU enabled, 2-second clientraw uploads.

Is this a Windows bug or is it WD related?