More Rainfall in a day than in a month

Still same problem. Temps are updating but not the rain.

that is strange
as I found the problem and fixed it
are you sure you are using the latest .zip update from the WD download page?

Yes, I downloaded the newest version yesterday, but just to be sure, I downloaded the same version today and still get unusual readings from the rain amounts.

are you sure you are using the .zip update?
as its working ok here in testing

Yes. Will re-install again and see if that makes a difference. Re-installed the program and I am getting the following.

Your program is showing. Site is showing

Mt Mitchell, NC 0.028 Actual 0.0
Nebo, NC 0.476 0.0
Black Mountain, NC 0.283 0.0
Hanging Rock, NC 0.283 0.0
Marion, NC 0.327 0.0

Above are the numbers that I am getting today. That doesn’t look like it’s working to me. The Temps and Humidity are correct.

if you could .zip and email me your settings files
I will check/test here
(see the FAQ on how to do that)
are you using the .zip update?

I sent the files and yes, I am using the zip that you sent…

see screen shot of what I see with your settings
(i.e looks OK)

Well I’m still getting this. Where is it pulling this rain data from? It should look like yours but don’t. Should I hit clear all settings and start over and put in the information again?

I suspect you do not have the latest version
what is the date/time stamp on the modified file in windows for the weatherdisplay.exe file

I checked and I am on v10.37 Build 70 with a build date of 26 April 2018 04:07:36

that is the problem
you do not have the latest version
(are you using the .zip update?)

I was using the .exe file and not the .zip file. All is working right now. I’ll have to wait after a rain to check it out more. Suppose to rain tomorrow. Thanks

After sitting at the computer and watching the display, I noticed that the rain totals came back. In other words, it reverted back to the same old numbers. I can hit update and the numbers change back to .000 like they are suppose to do. The autoupdate on the rain file is not picking up the current value and display. (Only when you manually hit Update Now does the numbers go back to .000 like they are suppose to. They stay that way until the autoupdate runs and they revert back to having those same figures like I had before.

I need to fix the auto update then too by the looks

I did post a number of times to use the .zip update

I was using the zip update that you sent me that had problems. I only switched when you said that yours was working fine. That

i have worked on the auto code in a new .zip update (normal download)

Got it. Will advise if the problem is fixed.

Still showing the same problem with update on Version on 30 April 2018 - 12:21:49. Hit manual and it’s 0.00 and when it goes to autoupdate you have
Mt Mitchell 1.882
Nebo 0.106
Black Mountain 0.039
Hanging Rock 0.024
Marion 0.130

Are you still working on this problem?