Source of "testtags" $maxtemyrago and $mintemyrago ?

What is the source file for the “testtags”, $maxtemyrago and $mintemyrago ? :?

There are a set of those ‘yrago’ tags from Weather-Display listed in tagslist.txt

%maxtempyrago%…Maximum temperature this day 1 year ago (if you have that data)
%mintempyrago%…Minimum temperature this day 1 year ago (if you have that data)
%avtempyrago%…Average temperature (for the whole day ) this day 1 year ago (if you have that data)
%maxbaroyrago%…Maximum barometer this day 1 year ago (if you have that data)
%minbaroyrago%…Minimum barometer this day 1 year ago (if you have that data)
%avbaroyrago%…Average barometer (for the whole day ) this day 1 year ago (if you have that data)
%maxhumyrago%…Maximum humidity this day 1 year ago (if you have that data)
%minhumyrago%…Minimum humidity this day 1 year ago (if you have that data)
%avhumyrago%…Average humidity (for the whole day ) this day 1 year ago (if you have that data)
%maxwindyrago%…Maximum gust speed this day 1 year ago (if you have that data)
%minwindyrago%…Minimum gust speed this day 1 year ago (if you have that data)
%avwindyrago%…Average windspeed (for the whole day ) this day 1 year ago (if you have that data)
%maxdewyrago%…Maximum dew point this day 1 year ago (if you have that data)
%mindewyrago%…Minimum dew point this day 1 year ago (if you have that data)
%avdewyrago%…Average dew point (for the whole day ) this day 1 year ago (if you have that data)
%chillyearago%…Min Windchill year ago (updates from the trends update), for the whole day
%heatyearago%…Max heat index year ago (updates from the trends update), for the whole day

The testtags.txt (stock version) does not have any of them listed (nor does the stock dashboard use them).

If you need to have them, you’ll need to add to the testtags.txt template file

$maxtempyrago = '%maxtempyrago%';  // Maximum temperature this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) 
$mintempyrago = '%mintempyrago%';  // Minimum temperature this day 1 year ago (if you have that data)
$avtempyrago = '%avtempyrago%';  // Average temperature (for the whole day ) this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) 
$maxbaroyrago = '%maxbaroyrago%';  // Maximum barometer this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) 
$minbaroyrago = '%minbaroyrago%';  // Minimum barometer this day 1 year ago (if you have that data)
$avbaroyrago = '%avbaroyrago%';  // Average barometer (for the whole day ) this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) 
$maxhumyrago = '%maxhumyrago%';  // Maximum humidity this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) 
$minhumyrago = '%minhumyrago%';  // Minimum humidity this day 1 year ago (if you have that data)
$avhumyrago = '%avhumyrago%';  // Average humidity (for the whole day ) this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) 
$maxwindyrago = '%maxwindyrago%';  // Maximum gust speed this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) 
$minwindyrago = '%minwindyrago%';  // Minimum gust speed this day 1 year ago (if you have that data)
$avwindyrago = '%avwindyrago%';  // Average windspeed (for the whole day ) this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) 
$maxdewyrago = '%maxdewyrago%';  // Maximum dew point this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) 
$mindewyrago = '%mindewyrago%';  // Minimum dew point this day 1 year ago (if you have that data)
$avdewyrago = '%avdewyrago%';  // Average dew point (for the whole day ) this day 1 year ago (if you have that data) 
$chillyearago = '%chillyearago%';  // Min Windchill year ago (updates from the trends update), for the whole day
$heatyearago = '%heatyearago%';  // Max heat index year ago (updates from the trends update), for the whole day

Thanks Ken,

I have included them but I would like to know which WD source file is used to generate the info. for the tag. Yesterday the $maxtemyrago tag was showing 89.6 F. Don’t I wish …

Best regards, :smiley:

Only Brian can answer the ‘how is it generated’ question.

That’s March 2017.
My guess is month32017.inf
Check out that file in View/Average Extremes NOAA Style Reports.
See if you can find that temp.
If you can and it’s incorrect, check your logfile for march 2017.

That’s what I Always do, not sure if right though.

yes, that’s what you need to do

I found the error in log file in “32017lg.txt”. Numerous lines are incorrect. What’s the correct method for making the change? I tried to re-import from WeatherLink which has the correct data but it did not transfer successfully.

This is is what I always do.

Make a backup of your logfile first just in case something goes wrong.
In notepad, I use replace from the edit menu.
Replace 89.6 with 31.9.
You may also replace 87 with 29.8 (I think these are incorrect also)
But be aware that doing it this way, you will replace all 89.6 and 87 values in the logfile.
Maybe there are some values you don’t want to change.
I usually copy the incorrect lines to a new .txt file.
Then replace the values, copy those lines and paste them in the Original logfile.(After removing the incorrect lines first)

Save logfile.

In WD go to Action
Convert logfile to datafile
Set your 32017lg.txt
Click button Convert

I just noticed the 121.9 in the last column.
You might change those to 31.9 also

Thank you all for the correction steps … Much appreciated!