Too big black canvas on current 24 and current 72 hour graphs.

Ok some confusion here. Step by step:

  1. setup>Advanced/Misch settings
  2. Main Window Customise>Ticked first line “Enable Move/Resize of the objects”
  3. Confusion: Then click OK and kill this window. If page is left open further changes is disabled. If I open this page again then “Enable” is not ticked regardless “Save changes” or not.
  4. View>Graph Hisory and Resize Windowwselect save /Redused canvas.
  5. Then close Graph History
  6. Back to Setup>AdvMisch and select "Save changes but the “Enable Move” is not ticked. So I tick this and select “Save cganges”
    (First time I did this i didn’t tick “Enable Move” before “Save changes”…Could this be the reason it didn\t work?
  7. Then presss OK and we are back.
    BUT: Same result as first time.: The 72h-graph is now yeserdays 24h. and the 24h. graph is enpty.
    Somethis rotten here…the procedure?>>>>>>>>>>But OK after restart. PERFECT!! THANKS !!