WD Meteotemplate API question

so, i just downloaded WD so i will assume its thenewest version. i have gone in and setup the password, url, update intervals and turned it on. i have even hit the ‘test/update’ button, but it doesnt seem to do anything. it also seems that it is not updating my site. jachym recommended that i raise the question here.

any help is appreciated.

see what shows in the sentcustomhttpget.txt file

where is this file

it should where WD is installed
if you could post a screen shot of your meteotemplate setup

1101 host not found

sorry. 11001 host not found.

what have you set as the url?


i am also noticing, i dont think im getting data from my acurite. ugh. so will this run the acurite exe that is inside the wd folder? i was actually using the vis reader solo and am wanting to go back to wd. i did change the c:\vis folder name to not cause conflicts…thought i read tat somewhere.

ok. station is getting data now. guess i didn’t restart WD yesterday when i made changes. it is supposed to open the included version of vis with wd, right?

still have the original issue though.

omg. nevermind. cant believe i was misspelling my website name. sorry guys. working now.