Problem Upload Data Service Wunderground, Pws etc...

It seems that on PWS the station is back online, while on weather undergound and cwop nothing yet.

what shows if you run those cron programs in a terminal window
for wunderground

It seems that the data is sent correctly, but unfortunately does not arrive on the site weather undeground, how come?

pi@raspberrypi:~/consolewdfiles $ sudo ./cronwu
WU data to send   //WU ID&PASSWORD=xxxxxx&dateutc=2018-02-08+20%3A54%3A00&winddir=212&windspeedmph=0&windgustmph=2&humidity=78&tempf=52.6&rainin=0.00&baromin=30.085&dewptf=46.0&weather=&clouds=&dailyrainin=0.00&softwaretype=WeatherDisplay%3AWD_console_17.0&action=updateraw
Wunderground data send Ok 22:00:00

check how you have set the password etc in the config
and how that is stored in the consolewd.ini
something looks corrupted if that is what the output is saying

This is the weather undeground configuration on the config.txt file

Station name=Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto
Do wunderground=Y //For updating (set to Y for yes, N for no) (every 5 minutes)
Wunderground username=ISICILIA97   //WU ID
Wunderground password=XXXXXX
Wunderground timezone=+1    // e.g 12 for 12 hours ahead of GMT, -12 for - 12 hours
timezone=	(to change the local PC hour used)

In the wdconsole.ini file, there is no line covering weather undeground.

what shows in the file

Here is the cronwudata.txt file   //WU ID&PASSWORD=XXXXXX&dateutc=2018-02-09+07%3A30%3A00&winddir=210&windspeedmph=3&windgustmph=5&humidity=82&tempf=50.2&rainin=0.00&baromin=30.017&dewptf=44.9&weather=&clouds=&dailyrainin=0.00&softwaretype=WeatherDisplay%3AWD_console_17.0&action=updateraw

this is the problem

which is in the config.txt remove that from there:

Wunderground username=ISICILIA97 //WU ID

Ok I’m trying after removing that part indicated by you.

After having made the change and started the console, the usual program seems to send the data, but alas’ are not sent, I tried launching cronwu and in this way the data arrive.

you should see the output from consolewd sending it auto show in the terminal window of consolewd
if a manual send updates your WU then that indead was the problem, that line in the config.txt
and you should be OK now

This is the one that sends the consolewd file to the terminal automatically, but on the weather undeground site it does not update, while if I manually start the filme cronwu update as never?

WU data to send

all I can tell you is to keep an eye on it (the auto update)
and see if it does update WU
(and see if the data being sent changes, etc)

However I will continue to monitor it to see how it goes if it updates or not,
while on cwop and pws it does not update, only on pws updates every hour … is it normal?

Hi Brian,
the data communicates them, but very rarely on weather undeground there are holes where the data are very large as ever? Check you too.

try as a test setting meteotemplate to not update fast in the config

Do I have to remove the quick upload to meteotemplate?

set that to N instead of Y
in case that is causing the WU to not update as often as it should

Now that I’ve set the meteotemplate fast to NO, now weather undeground communicates the data perfectly every 5 minutes, where’s the problem? Is it possible to have meteotemplate fast and also weather underground every 5 minutes?

i am not sure exactly why there is a conflict
how long does it take for the cron program to update meteotemplate if you run that it in a terminal window?