Mac clientraw values


I have helped setup a local weather station owner with installing Weather Display and a setting up a web site. He is running the very latest Mac version of the software. The website reads the data from the Mac generated clientraw.txt file, and is based on my own template running off the windows version of WD.

I was just wondering if there is a difference in the structure of the windows generated clientraw file and the one created by the Mac version. The reason I ask is that his web template is showing 5.1mm of rain today, whereas it didn’t rain today, and his Davis console shows 0.0mm. The website uses clientraw(7) for the daily rainfall. His clientraw file is located at As you can see space 7 shows 5.1

Not sure if this makes sense, but in essence is there a clientraw description file for the Mac version? I don’t use the Mac version so wouldn’t know where to find it.



It should be the same
Maybe check with an online client raw checker
Like Kevin’s and see where the problem is?


Thanks for responding. Checked with one the parsers and they were the same. Turns out he had set the rain gauge tip value incorrectly. He had rainguage size set as 0.1 inch rather than 0.2mm!
