JavaScript WDL version 1.0.0 alpha.

Nico, (and others who program a lot):
You indicated a color value with the hex code. Is there a better way that guess and try, in other words is there a tool that shows the color spectrum and you slide the cursor around to generate the color code you need? Sort of what is like in the Color Setup in WD, which just returns the color and I think degree of hue? I’m looking for something that allows easy setting by showing me the color code in hex for the color I’m pointing at.

Since you seem well versed in this, I am taking the chance that you’ve seen such a tool. So far, my google guess as to key words hasn’t been helpful.
Thanks for any leads. Dale

I use this site - but I don’t program a lot!

I like this one which has been around on various sites for ever - note it refers to Netscape :lol:

Google for “color picker”, there’s a ton of them out there. Some will give you a palette of compatible colors, some are desktop apps that allow you to mouse over an image or website and get color codes of objects, there’s even a Chrome plugin to do that (but it’s a bit clunky IMHO).

Oh, no, what happened? They’re not loading any more. Or am I the only one with the problem?

What’s not loading any more? If you mean your FreshWDL it’s working fine for me :?

Oops, I complained too soon. Mine has returned to loading now.

That’s a good one :thumbright:


This might be related to my post here: but my rainfall graph has got confused/not showing all rain data.

It has rained most days over the last week but this no longer shows.

See here:

Any ideas or is this a Weather Display problem itself?

Ignore - this must be a WD error. I’ve got into my old Weather Display Live data page and it’s doing the same thing.

we have had lots of rain here recently
which shows OK for me for my FreshWDL:

OK had a look at this and I likee. However, can I resize it so I can incorporate it into the framework of my existing website?

Lots of people seem to have had luck doing this using and iFrame.
I haven’t done it personally, but it seems to have worked for others :slight_smile:

OK I have a question.

I have applied an offset for the windspeeds on my station (adjusted for height using the Met Office calculation) but Fresh WDL seems to be using the original speed not the adjusted speed, what can I do to force FreshWDL to use the adjusted speeds?

did you apply that offset in WD or on the actual station itself? (its not very clear)

In WD. However, I think I have solved the mystery. What caused me to doubt my readings was a quick glance at the Met Office page for my location that was showing windspeeds way above what I’m getting. It would appear that their website, whilst stating that windspeeds are in mph are actually showing windspeeds in kmh!! When you calculate what they’re displaying in mph it’s similar to mine (I’ve also been able to double check this with the weather station at the local airport so it’s definitely them not me lol). :smiley:

Hi all!
freshwdl works fine, great job.
I would to know if it’s possible to insert second temp sensor

my freshwdl:

you can insert an additional temperature

Hey, to add another temperature sensor, do the following:

FreshWDLmaster.html changes:
On line 7: Change stylesheet01.css to stylesheet02.css
On line 16: Change InnerContent.js to InnerContent-02.js

Config.js changes:
Change the gaugeSettings field so it matches the following:
gaugeSettings = { //Gauges: apparent temperature barometer windChill graphHandlerBarometer graphHandlerRainfall graphHandlerTemperature graphHandlerWindSpeed humidity moonSun solar status rainfallTitle rainfallDay rainfallMonth rainfallYear UV windDirection windSpeed
solar: {
enabled: false
UV: {
enabled: false
windChill: {
mode: “windchill”, //The default mode, either “heatIndex” or “windchill” (note: lowercase c)
autoSwitch: true //If true, will switch between heat index/wind chill depending on what is appropriate.
temperature: {
title: " default "
temperature02: {
enabled: true,
title: “default”,
input: 2
temperature03: {
enabled: true,
title: “default”,
input: 3
You can change the title of each of the temperature sensors by adjusting the title field. So, for example, if you wanted to change the title of one of them to be Other Temperature, you

Works here for extratemp1, but my UV has been pushed to one side. . .

I note your instructions have solar and UV disabled. . . that’s no good to me. (But I only have UV :slight_smile: )

Also, my temperature02 (Garden = extratemp1) needs “input: 1”

Currently that is going to be a bit of an issue. It might seem strange, but it’s actually quite a pain to move the gauges around. So even though there’s an obvious spot to put the UV, it’s no small job to get it there :lol:
I’ll add it to the todo list, but it will probably be a couple months before I have time to adjust it (apologies, life is very busy for me at the moment!)

Unfortunately for the time being you may have to chose between the extra temperatures and UV :frowning: