WXSIM and the import of station data

WXSIMATE configuration:
- Local station source: Weatherlink
- Units for display here:
Temperature: Celsius
Pressure milibars (hPa)
Wind Speed: km / kr
Precipitation: mm
- Archived data time settings:
Use 0 minutes before hour (best in much of world)
Station data is end of archive interval
- Smoothing:
Precipitation: 30minutes
Wind Speed: 20 minutes
Wind direction: 20 minutes
Cloud cover: 60 minutes

- Scheduler:
3:00 A.M
8 AM
3 PM
8 PM
Download at 8 minutes past the hour

WXSIM configuration:
- Stability Indices: NW European
- Date Format: Da / Mo / Yr
- Time format: GMT (Z)
- Solar Energy Units: Watt * hours per m2
- Planner Thickness Scale: 400 m range
v Show Convective Bulletins
v Bar Graph Precipitation
v Use Anthropogenic and Solar Forcing

- Output Menu:
4 wind direction, wind chill factor …

- Auto Run and other Settings:

  • Auto Run at:
    3:00 A.M
    8 AM
    3 PM
    8 PM
    10 minutes after hour

  • Settings for before and during run:
    -Import data before run

  • Import advection data before run
    v Use GFS for initial advection
    v Enforce monotone fit
  • Use MOS / GFS advection on wind shits
  • Use curvature search for advection
  • Use soil calculation (pto mode only)