1-wire reader & laser sensor


1st - Yesterday I tried downloading your latest b61 with the cronlazersnow program. I was running version s56. When I downloaded the zip file and unzipped it the issue dates were 12/10/17 on the 2 files. I opened WD b61. Cronlazersnow program opened but it did not open the lrtimelog program. It could not locate the laser sensor. The cronlazersnow screen would not connect to the laser sensor. I mentioned this to Mike and he said that after unzipping your zip file the 2 programs should be dated 12/11/17 not 12/10/17. So he sent me his 2 programs that were dated 12/11/17. I tried using his 2 programs but I still have the problem of cronlazersnow not being able to connect to the laser sensor.

2nd - With all of my changes yesterday trying to get the cronlazersnow program running some file got corrupted and now the snow values on my “webpage” are not correct when using WD version s61 BUT the snow values in Weather Display’s local page are correct. The "Input Local Weather, Snow " values are correct and the registry is correct For my snow values to be correct on my “webpage” I have to run your old version B81. When I run that older program the snow values on my webpage are correct.

So I have 2 issues. 1) The new b61 and cronlazersnow does not connect to my laser sensor and 2) when using the new b61 vesion the snow values on my webpage are not correct.

I hope that this is not too confusing.